twelve; mistake

454 36 11

author's note: super important question at the end!! please please please answer!!
Greenwich Village, New York
October 16, 1929


"that girl is
such a trick."


When Farkle woke up, the events from the night before washed over him. There was a pounding in his head. He buried his face in his hands. God, he was so stupid. The events leading up to now were blurry, but as he gather his clothes off of his bedroom floor, he knew exactly what went down. Why did he let Isadora back in his bed? She was an evil genius! Farkle knew this. Maybe it's why he was attracted to her in the first place.

They met in the ninth grade. He was gathering his things out of his locker when he first saw her. Her long black hair was pulled into a low ponytail, and her arms were gathered under at least six books, which was odd, to say the least. Especially since was the end of the day. Quickly, Farkle gathered the rest of his stuff. Hurriedly, Farkle caught up with the girl.

"What's your name?" Farkle blurted, an unusual burst of confidence.

"Why is it any of your concern?" She asked in a monotone.

"I'm interested, and you're new."

"New is interesting, and I'm far from interesting."

"Try me. I find lots of things interesting, including you."

"Isadora Smackle. I just transferred from Einstein Academy."

"Why'd you leave? They have the best education there is."

"It was not my decision. My intellectually inferior parents believed it would be good for me to.. find an acquaintance or two here. I don't see why it's necessary. They're all inferior compared to I."

"Not me. I'm the smartest kid in our class."

"You don't sound intelligent."

"Believe me, I am. Quiz me."

"If I am to quiz you, I would need to know your name. What is it?"

"Farkle Minkus."

Farkle noticed a lightbulb come on inside Isadora, but he didn't question it. He was naïve enough to believe it was for the quizzing or his acquaintanceship, but it wasn't. It was because of his future of someday inheriting Minkus International. Or maybe that was her now. They hadn't always been toxic.

Had they?

Farkle shook his head, dragging himself out of his thoughts. He was an idiot. Farkle dressed and finished getting ready, trying to ignore the pounding in his head. He decided to skip breakfast and head straight to work.
When Riley walked into Minkus International, the last person she was expecting to greet her was Isadora. She had joined Riley and Farkle on their orientation of the building, and she had watched Riley like a hawk.

"Oh hi, Smackle. Someone's in a good mood," Riley chirped, faking a smile in attempt to hide just how sleepy she was.

"I am. Are you not?" Isadora asked, not looking up from a piece of paper in her hands. A wicked grin was spread across her lips.

"I'm just tired. That's all."

"I am too tired. Yawn," Isadora said in a monotone.

Riley furrowed her brows, a slightly amused chuckle escaped her lips.

"Okay.. Why?"

"Busy night."

"Ohh. Oh. Oh!" A playful smirk played out on Riley's lips."Isadora!"

Riley expected a "What?", but instead, she got a smirk that implied that maybe there was more to this than Riley realized.
When Farkle walked into Minkus International, he found Riley and Isadora talking, which unnerved him for some reason. Riley smirked at him.

"Someone looks like hell," Riley remarked sarcastically. Farkle rolled his eyes. He could hear Maya saying the same thing. Maya probably has said the same thing.

"Ladies," Farkle deadpanned, probably looking as exhausted as he felt.

"Dearest," Isadora said with the same smirk she had been using the past day.

Riley looked taken aback.

"Wait, you two are together? I should go. I feel like I'm imposing—," Riley started.

"No, don't. You're okay. We're not together."

"Oh," Riley whispered,"I-I'm still gonna go."

The brunette turned away and walked quickly, leaving Farkle in her wake. He felt like the weight of the world had been dropped on him. He continued to stare in the direction she went, even if she was long gone.

"You love her," Isadora stated.

Farkle didn't respond. He just looked at her.

"And you don't even know it."

With that, Isadora left him. Finally. Farkle knew by his gut instinct that this wouldn't and couldn't turn out well. He knew Isadora. He knew her well. He knew just how wicked she was.

She was the only thing that truly terrified him.
Riley stood in front of the bathroom mirror. She balanced all her weight on her weak arms, holding her up by leaning on the sink. Riley wanted to cry. Farkle and Isadora... Farkle and Isadora.. Riley wasn't stupid. She knew that something had probably happened between the two of them.

But she also knew of what happened between Farkle and herself.

He isn't mine. I have no attachment to him whatsoever. He can sleep with who ever he wants. Stop. Caring.

Riley felt crushed, but she had no reason to. She should've guessed that something was going on between the two of them. But she didn't. Stupid, stupid girl. Stupid, naïve, trusting girl. Riley tried to calm herself. She looked up into the mirror. She looked calm, but she didn't feel calm. Riley thought she was shaking, but she wasn't. Riley exhaled.

"Let's get this over with."
author's note: ew @ this chapter




RIARKLE - purple rain

LUCAYA - star collector

(btw, i've already got some of purple rain written, but star collector might be happier 😅. (but has more work to be done plot wise) you'll know what i mean if you've heard the song purple rain [by prince])

and, would you guys ever want me to do a q&a or nah?

much love, peaches xx

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