sixteen; fast

249 19 5

Greenwich Village, New York
November 29, 1929


"i never looked
so in love before."


Riley laughed, her soft doe eyes sparkled. Farkle watched as her drink tipped slightly. Her brown curls fell down her shoulders perfectly. It took everything in Farkle not to kiss her then and there. She was the most sublime thing he had ever seen. Farkle had seen Paris' Eiffel Tower; paintings from the Renaissance in person; both oceans, yet none of them seemed to come close to the beauty that was Riley Matthews.

"So, Riles, what's your solid opinion on being back in New York?" Farkle asked.

"I love it. I've missed it so much. Can you pour me more giggle water?" Riley asked, leaning back in her seat.

"As you wish."

Riley giggled, slightly intoxicated from the alcohol.

"Such an Egg, trying to spoil me," Riley poked at Farkle's arm.

"Hey, my father's the real Egg here. I inherited all of this from him, after all," Farkle winked, passing Riley her drink.

"Sure. Blame your daddy."

Farkle laughed. In normal context, it wouldn't have been very amusing, but the way Riley said it, the way her voice held an almost sass, made it all the funnier. They hadn't know each other long, but her sense of humor was one of the many things he had come to love about her.

"Riles," Farkle's words were slightly slurred.


"You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on."

Farkle smirked as her cheeks turned positively pink. Riley's doe eyes looked to Farkle. He expected to see her normal cheery smile played upon her lips, but, instead, there was small reserved smile on her lips.

"I couldn't be."

Farkle stood, walking behind Riley, who had also stood. He rested his hand on her waist, and brushed her long curls off of her neck.

"You are," Farkle whispered, his mouth close to her ear.

Slowly, Riley turned to face Farkle. The lights in Farkle's apartment were all off, apart from a few lamps on the counter. They casted a golden glow on the woman who stood in front of him.

With one hand still on her waist, Farkle brushed Riley's chocolate colored hair out of her eyes. He looked to her lips.

"May I kiss you?" Farkle whispered.

"Of course," Her voice was airy and quiet.

Slowly, Farkle leaned his head in towards Riley's. When their lips meet, Farkle forgot everything that wasn't Riley Matthews. Farkle couldn't describe her in any other word if it wasn't heavenly. She was like a goddess, gracing everyone around her. Maybe it was her aura that drew him to her. Or how her eyes sparkled when she smiled. Farkle could almost swear that they had been bound in a past life, but scientists didn't believe in that type of malarkey. But he almost did. They were meant to be together on some sort of level. If they weren't, Farkle wouldn't've let it get this far. She had been here a month, and he almost thought that he was in love with her. Farkle would never say that, though. It was far too crazy.

Soon, a few gentle kisses turned into many gentle kisses in Farkle's darkening apartment. In a tangle of limbs, they were laying on Farkle's bed. Riley's forehead was resting against Farkle's.

This is where I want to be the rest of my life. Right here, in love with Riley Matthews.

Riley took a shaky breath.

"I would say I'm in love with you, Minkus, but that would mean we're moving too fast, and that means getting hurt."


a/n: short, short! tbh i don't even know what this was supposed to be, but here it is.

THE GIRL THAT TIME FORGOT ▷ RIARKLEWhere stories live. Discover now