thirteen; surprise

472 34 8

Greenwich Village, New York
October 16, 1929


"things have
changed for me."


Riley avoided Farkle all day. Or so it seemed. Maybe it was because he didn't hardly leave his office. Farkle didn't know what time there was a knock on his office door. He just knew it was after hours, given the golden light that streamed through the window.

"Come in," Farkle's voice was raspy.

Slowly, the door opened to reveal Lucas.

"Farkle," Lucas started slowly,"I have a question."

Farkle nodded,"Ask away."

"How do I make it up to Maya?"

Farkle sighed,"I don't really know. Try talking to her? Take her out to dinner? Just whatever you do, don't let it go too long. It's already been two days."

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. Thanks, Farkle."

Farkle nodded his head.

"Anytime, Freak Face."
When there was a knock at the door, Riley almost hoped that it'd be Farkle. But, then again, she didn't. Riley sucked in her breath and twisted the knob.


"Can I—?" Lucas began before Riley shoved both of them out the door. She shut it behind them.

"What do you want, Lucas?" Riley whispered.

"I wanted to speak to Maya."

"Why? So you can call her a slut again?" Riley felt a pang of gulit, but she swallowed it. She meant what she said.

"What? No! I wanted to make it up to her!" Lucas defended.

"Only if she wants to. Stay here and don't say a word," Riley hissed.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Slowly, Riley opened the door and creeped in.

"Peaches?" Riley called.

"In the bathroom!"

In a moment's time, Maya reappeared. Her blonde hair was messy and tangled. There were dark circles under her blue eyes.

"Who's at the door?" Maya asked before trying to open it. Riley stopped her,"Riley—?!"

"It's Lucas. Do you want to talk to him?" Riley asked, grabbing Maya by the arms.

"Sure, I'll see what Ranger Rick has to say for himself," Maya muttered with a smirk. She moved passed Riley and opened the door, leaning on the door frame,"Well?"

"Maya, I'm so sorry about what I said to you. I didn't mean it. It was the heat of the moment thing. I've got anger issues. I'm.. I'm working on it."

"I know you didn't, but I appreciate your apology, Lucas," Maya nodded seriously.

"Did you just call me Lucas?"

THE GIRL THAT TIME FORGOT ▷ RIARKLEWhere stories live. Discover now