six; pending

652 44 5

author's note: a little warning, the first part can be a bit... descriptive.
Greenwich Village, New York
October 14, 1929


"you've got my
head spinning."


When Farkle woke the next morning, his limbs were entangled with Riley's more than he remembered. He had thought he had tucked her under the covers; not over them with him. But he wasn't complaining. It felt nice to feel like she was supposed to there, next to him. He liked it. He remembered the few times Isadora slept over, but she was already gone when he woke up. It always felt like something was out of place, but Farkle could never put his finger on it.

But waking up with Riley next to him, her being bathed in golden light? He could spend the rest of his life in that moment. Farkle could feel Riley nuzzle up next to him. Farkle wanted badly to pull Riley closer than humanly possible just to stare at her lips. Farkle slightly ran his tongue over his bottom look, staring at the woman next to him.

Screw it, Farkle thought to himself, I'll do it.

Throwing his better judgment out the window, he wrapped his arm around her. She stirred slightly. Her brown eyes fluttered open. Farkle rolled over and lifted his weight into his upper body, lifting himself off of Riley. Farkle really wanted to kiss her.

"Morning," Farkle said, his deep voice thick with sleep.

Riley blinked a few times before whispering,"Morning."

Slowly, he lowered his head to hers. Riley ran her arms around his neck, bringing their heads mere centimeters apart. They stared into each other's eyes before Farkle lowered himself onto her. He slowly opened his mouth, about to ask permission when she brought her forehead to his, giving him all the permission he needed. Still slowly, their lips met. Farkle ran his tongue over Riley's bottom lip. He could feel Riley shiver under his weight. Farkle began to drag the two closer to the top of the bed with his arms. Riley began to kiss from his mouth to his jawline. Farkle dropped himself onto her as his hands met her hair and his lips met her neck. He could feel her moan against his jaw. Her hands began to work their way up his shirt. Farkle kissed up her neck. She shivered again.

"This—is—crazy," Farkle breathed in between kisses.

Riley pushed her weight against him as she replied,"I—like—crazy."

"We've only known each other a day, Riles."

"With me, it doesn't matter."

"Riley," Farkle began as he kissed her jawline,"we should stop before it becomes too hard not to."

"But I don't want to," Riley complained as she slipped his shirt over his head.

"Me neither," Farkle kissed her mouth before pulling away,"but... we should."

He heard her suck in her breath,"I know."

Reluctantly, the two pealed themselves from each other. Farkle grabbed his shirt and pulled it back over his head. As Riley stood up, she quickly said,"We can't tell anyone about this."

THE GIRL THAT TIME FORGOT ▷ RIARKLEWhere stories live. Discover now