eleven; deception

485 33 6

Greenwich Village, New York
October 15, 1929


"don't wanna touch you,
but you're under my skin."


It was late when Maya finally stumbled through the door of Riley and Maya's shared hotel room. Riley had been home since six, Maya not there. She hadn't questioned it. Riley just thought that Maya had gone to visit Shawn and Katy, but when Zay stood at the doorway with Maya, Riley knew that hadn't been the case.

"Z-Zay," Riley stuttered taking a very drunk Maya from his arms. She laid Maya down onto the bed, then turned to Zay.

"Hey, Riley," Zay said nonchalantly.

"Come in," Riley ushered her friend in shutting the door behind him."Sit down on the bed. Away from Maya."

"Thanks," Zay obliged, sliding back on the bed.

"Why is she drunk? Why did she — ?"

"Riley, slow down. Maya came to me because of what Lucas said. She wanted to forget, so I showed her the only way I know how."

"To drink, Zay?!" Riley exclaimed. Before she knew what was happening, Zay rested his hands on her shoulders.

"She wanted a little bit, and the more she went, the more I learned. I know why Lucas said what he said."


"He has anger issues. He acts on his feelings, and he was beyond angry because of what you said about Missy. He didn't want it to be true."

"But it is true, Zay."

"I can't say if it is or isn't, Sugar."

"It is! I don't want Missy getting her hooks into you or Lucas or Farkle!"

"I know you don't."

"She's a witch, Zay! She'd take a man for all he has! She'll sleep with him, take anything that looks promising, and leave 'em!" Riley exclaimed.

"Riley, calm down. She's not going to get any of us."

"You don't know that."

"Maybe I don't, but you should have more faith in Lucas."

Riley looked down, feeling defeated.

"Do you want anything to drink, Zay?"
Farkle sat at Knight's, an almost empty bottle of bourbon in his hand. Riley's first day working at Minkus International went over well, given the fight with Lucas. But all day, Farkle couldn't get it out of his head. Does Riley have a child? And if she does, is she with the father? Or was she a prostitute like Missy and was that how she got the baby? Farkle dismissed the thought. That didn't seem like Riley. But how much did he really know about her? Truly? She never told him why she and Maya worked at Knickerbocker in the first place, especially for the bad wrap it has. It hadn't always been like that, sure, but Farkle still didn't understand why. There was a lot Farkle didn't understand about either of these girls.

They were different. Different was interesting, and these girls were so much more than interesting.

"You want another?" Brandon asked him, breaking Farkle out of his thoughts.

"Hit me," Farkle deadpanned.

"You okay? You seem out of it," Brandon asked as he grabbed another bourbon for Farkle.

"I guess. I mean, a bunch of things happened. I'm just trying to process what it all means."

"Well, here's the bourbon. I hope you figure it all out."

Brandon proceeded to clean the bar as silence fell, and Farkle fell back into his thoughts. The same question rang through his head: do I really know Riley Matthews?

Soon, one bourbon turned to two, and two turned to three, and three turned into five as the hours dragged on. Soon, Farkle couldn't think straight. Needless to say, he was drunk off his ass. In the back of his mind, he knew he'd regret all the bourbon he just had, but, God, he needed to stop thinking.

"Hello, Farkle," said a cool voice from behind Farkle. Farkle turned around to see Isadora Smackle.

"Isa, nice of you to join me," Farkle slurred, unaware of the use of the nickname he used to call her.

"Dearest," Isadora grimaced,"you're drunk, aren't you?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

Isadora made a face,"Oh, I believe."

Farkle laughed at the face of utter disgust she made.

"What?" Isadora asked, confused.

"You're cute when you're confused."

Isadora blushed. Farkle watched Isadora narrow her eyes for a second and then a small smirk formed on her pink lips. If Farkle had been sober, he would've brought his guard up.

He let his mind loosen up to her present. His eyes lingered to her lips. They were narrow and formed into a smirk. And they were a lighter shade than Riley's, but they looked just as soft.

"I see you're staring at my lips, Dearest. Do you want to kiss me?" Farkle let his eyes linger lower as Isadora asked this. If he would've been sober, he would've recognized the tone she was using.

"Let me forgot, Isa. Please," Farkle stood, slightly stumbling when he did so. Isadora caught him, placing her hands on his waist.

Soon, she moved into his embrace. They didn't quite make one, but they were damn close. Farkle shut his eyes as their lips met. Her tongue ran over his bottle lip, asking for an entrance. He granted it, but before he could allow, she pulled her lips away. She rested her forehead to his. His eyes were still shut. All he could see was himself doing this to Riley.

"Let's take this to your place," Isadora muttered quietly. For only the second time, Farkle obliged, knowing and wanting what came next.

(a/n: minor smut!!)

As the two stumbled through the door of Farkle's apartment, they were sure to never break apart. Their legs fumbled to his room. Her lips met his neck as he laid her down. He could feel her lips move upward back towards his mouth. Isadora's fingers were quick and sure as they unbuttoned his shirt. Soon, he was shirtless, and was working on the zipper of her dress.

Before long, there was nothing between the two former lovers, but all he wanted was for it to be Riley.
author's note: i'm baccck! and fyi, this is a HELLA important chapter!!

much love, peaches xx

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