ten; loss

499 37 8

Hollywood, California
December 9, 1919


"when it all goes to hell, will
you be able to tell i'm sorry
with a straight face?"


Riley stood outside the tall brick building, life buzzing around her. She cradled her three day old daughter, Topanga Penelope, in her arms. It was too early to know who Topanga looked like, but it was clear to see that she had Riley's eyes. Maya was sure to point that out. Now, Riley may never get to know who Topanga grew up to be. God, the only person to meet the child was Maya. Riley looked down at her sleeping daughter. She could see her tiny fingers grasping Riley's. A tear rolled down Riley's cheek looking down at her sleeping baby. Riley kissed her on the forehead.

"I'll be back for you. I promise. I won't leave you here forever. I love you," Riley whispered before placing a kiss on Topanga's forehead.

Riley sighed, straightened her back, put on a brave face, and walked up the stairs. She opened the door with her newly free hand. Riley was greeted by a room filled with chairs that lined the walls. Behind the counter stood a pretty young woman. Her cheek bones were high, and her pale face was adorned by brown curls. Perched on her nose was a pair of thin-framed black glasses. She looked up from the magazine she was reading.

"Hey," she greeted."Welcome to Sarah's Adoption Agency. I'm Sarah."

Riley forced a polite smile.

"I'm Riley. I'm looking to... —," Riley started.

"Give up this cutie?" Sarah guessed.

"Yeah, sadly enough."

"How old are you?"

"Nineteen," Riley said shyly, looking down at her baby.

"Shame. You're so young. But don't worry, I'm only twenty-one. How old is she?"

"Three days."

"Ready to get rid of her so soon?"

"I have to. I can't provide for her, and, hopefully, someone can."

"Do you need a place to stay, Riley?" Sarah asked, her tone gentle.

"No, but thank you. My best friend and I are staying over at the Roosevelt."

Sarah raised an eyebrow.

"How'd you manage? And is this 'best friend' the daddy?"

"We're basically sleeping in the basement, and, no, she's not. The dad didn't want anything to do with us. He was more concerned with himself than the baby and me."

"Oh. That's terrible. Was it... consensual?" Sarah whispered, despite it being only the two of them.

"Yes," Riley whispered, breaking her eye contact with Sarah.

"Wow. When did you tell him?"

"I was only two months. He was the second person I told."

"Was this best friend of yours the first?"

"Yeah, she was. She was the only one who was supportive."

"That's awful. And you're sure the dad wanted nothing to do with her?"

"I'm sure. He said it himself. He doesn't know I'm giving her up, though."

"That's terrible, Riley, but let's get down to business. When was she born?"

"December sixth, three thirty-four a.m."

"How much did she weigh?"

"Eight pounds. Sixteen ounces."


"Sixteen inches."

"First, middle, and last name?"

"First: Topanga; middle: Penelope; last: here, I'll write it," Riley said abruptly, not being able to say the last name that belonged to the man who caused her so much pain. Literally.

Thankfully, Sarah didn't question her or object. Soon enough, Riley's hand was free from writing. A feeling of heavy dread rested in her stomach.

"You don't want her to have your last name?" Sarah asked, her eyes wide.

"No," Riley said soberly."I don't want her to suffer the way I have. I don't want a tie to me."

"Do you and your friend need work, Riley?" Sarah asked, looking into Riley's brown eyes.

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

"I heard there were some opening over at Knickerbocker."

"For what?"

"I honestly don't know. Probably waiting tables or something."

"Well, thanks, Sarah. I need to get going," Riley said, trying to bring herself to leave, knowing if she didn't now, she never would.

"Good luck for life, Riley!"

Riley managed a half smile before she turned to the door. When Riley reached the door, she turned to look at her daughter one last time.

God, Riley thought. She's beautiful. Sighing, Riley turned and walked out back into the word.
author's note: filler flashback!! i think i'll do moments like this that aren't necessarily "important", but could be nice for you guys.

much love, peaches xx

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