fifteen; knickerbocker

413 21 18

Hollywood, California
December 13, 1919


"a warning."


"Riles, are you sure this is a good idea?" Maya asked, looking over at the brunette with skepticism.

Riley straightened. She sighed, looking over at her best friend. Riley bit down on her bottom lip before speaking, mentally choosing her words.

"Do you have a better idea to get work?" It sounded harsher than Riley meant it.

Maya squinted at Riley.

"No, but I just don't think it's a good idea to take a job opening from someone you don't even know!" Maya explained, throwing up her hands.

"Maya, I have faith in people. You know that."

"I just thought that—,"

"That what?"

"Nothing," Maya shook her head.

Riley spun her body around to face Maya. Their eyes locked.

"What is it, Maya? I can handle it."

I'm a big girl. Riley thought to herself almost bitterly.

Riley knew she couldn't lie; after what had happened with Charlie, she had become a bit more hostile than she used to be. She was always a bit more on edge. Riley couldn't help but be thankful only Maya had to see her like that. But she couldn't help it. She trusted Charlie, and when she needed him most, he left her.

Maya sighed, caving in.

"I just thought that after what happened with Charlie.. You'd be a bit more carful, Riles."

Riley fixed a very forced smile, turning her head a bit to the left. It took everything in Riley not to show her mingling emotions, especially since the wound was still open.

"Don't worry, Maya. This could be a good thing."

"But it could also be a bad thing."

"Peaches," Riley said, her smile becoming genuine as she grabbed Maya by her shoulders."This could also be good. Let yourself hope once and awhile."

Riley felt her insides boil as she said this. She felt like a hypocrite. She believed that Charlie was it; her one; her other half; her beginning of forever, but he wasn't. He screwed her over in more than one way.

Had she stopped believing in things?

"You're right. I know you're right. I just don't want us to get hurt again. I don't want you to get hurt again."

Riley looked at her best friend sympathetically. She knew the thought process Maya was going through. She was going through it, too. But her hope won out. It always did.

"You'll never known unless we try. Besides, you said it yourself: you want to look back on life and regret the things you did do."

Maya smiled,"Oh all right. You win."

The two women linked arms before approaching the tall hotel. In big letters it read: THE KNICKERBOCKER. The building itself was a sandy color with little windows every few feet.

"Well, let's do this, Riles," Maya smiled.

"Ring power?"

"Ring power."
Riley let her eyes wander around the hotel as Maya talked to the desk clerk. It was large. All around the lobby was stars and starlets sitting in the luxurious furniture.

"Peaches," Riley whispered, touching Maya's arm,"Look. It's Rudolph Valentino."

Riley looked at the man who was considered a god-like figure. His eyes were turned down into a book. Rudolph's gray suit was dapper. Rudolph's eyes met Riley's. He smiled.
Riley let a smile grow on her lips, mirroring hers.

"I'll be right back, Peaches," Riley whispered before unlinking her arm from Maya's.

"Oh okay," Maya murmured absentmindedly.

Riley timidly walked over to Rudolph before shyly smiling.

"..You're Rudolph Valentino, right?" Riley whispered.

Rudolph rose. His dark eyed twinkled when he smiled. His fingers grazed Riley's wrist before he kissed her hand.

"As in fact, I am. Who are you?"

"Riley Matthews."

"Riley Matthews," Rudolph sounded as if was trying the name out."I like it, but it seems too simple for such a beauty. What are you doing here? I don't believe I recognize you."

"My friend and I are trying to find work here."

"Oh," He sounded delighted."You'll love it here. Knickbocker's a fine establishment."
author's note: i'm backkkk!! so sorry it's short!

question: favorite youtubers?

(my answer: danisnotonfire, amazingphil, shane dawson, iisuperwomanii, lisbug, kickthepj etc etc)

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