fourteen; leaving

590 38 6

Greenwich Village, New York
November 28, 1929


"you've gone,
gone, gone away."


Everything had settled in over the course of that October. Maya and Lucas became just as inseparable as Riley and Farkle. Riley and Maya still lived in their hotel room until they could afford an apartment rent together. On her mornings off, Riley would help out down at Topanga's. And Riley couldn't remember a time when she was happier.

Riley wrapped her scarf around her neck tighter as she walked through the park, fighting the late autumn wind. She still had a couple hours before she had to go into Minkus International, so she thought she'd visit this personal landmark. The park had always been Riley's favorite spot, outside of her beloved bay window. Riley walked over to the empty set of swings and opened her copy of a King Arthur book. Farkle had recommended it to her, so, of course, she listened. She had to admit, she loved it so far.

Riley brushed the strand of hair out of her eyes as she used her feet to gently swing herself back and forth. She could finally say she knew what it was like to feel at peace again. Riley sighed, shutting her eyes to the non-existent sunshine.

"Riley?" Asked a voice from behind the brunette. Riley opened her eyes and turned around.

"Lucas, hi," Riley smiled.

"Can I join you?" Lucas asked, gesturing to the free swing next to Riley.

"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. What's up?"

"I needed a quiet place to think. What about you?"

"I used to love the park when I was little, so I decided to visit it again. Was there anything in particular you needed to think about?" Riley asked, cocking her head to the side, looking at the green eyed Texan in curiosity.

"Yeah, actually there was. Maya, if I'm honest," The Texan answered almost sheepishly.

Riley let a small smile grow on her lips.

"Oh yeah? What about her?"

Lucas looked over to Riley, almost panic-y,"Is it too soon to say that I might love her, Riley?"

"Have you been in love before, Lucas?"

"Yes, but I don't see how—,"

"Was it anything like being with Maya?"

"No, this one feels like there's more on the line."

Riley nodded, almost sure on her answer to Lucas' confessions.

"Okay... My advice is don't rush into anything. Maya's been through enough. She doesn't need to add you to the list, too. All you've got is time and so much potential for something great, Lucas. You two have a great dynamic. Don't ruin it by doing something reckless. And time will tell if you truly love her or not," Riley answered.

Lucas paused for a minute, taking in her words. He nodded.

"Thank you, Riley. I needed this," Lucas nodded, standing."I need to go, but thanks."

Riley smiled up at him.

"Anytime, Lucas."

With that, Riley watched the Texan fade away into the distance and turned her attention back to her book.
It was almost ten when Isadora marched into Farkle's office. Farkle braced himself, not knowing what to expect from this visit. He sucked in his breath.

"Farkle," Isadora spoke defiantly.

"Ms. Smackle," Farkle spoke with a cool tone, trying to initiate self-detachment.

"I'm leaving," Isadora said with a straight face.

"So you're quitting?" Farkle asked, becoming blunt.

"I have business to attend elsewhere. Family affairs."

"I wish you well, Ms. Smackle."

"Thank you."

As Farkle watched Isadora leave, he knew he had to say something. Screw detachment. He couldn't let the one person who had been his best friend since the ninth grade just go without saying anything of gratitude for all those years.

"Smackle!" Farkle blurted, standing. The woman turned around, expression unreadable."Thank you."

Isadora smiled, but it didn't stop her. With that, Farkle watched the woman leave. He didn't want her to leave, but it was for her family, which Farkle very rarely heard her talk about, but it must've been important enough to pull Isadora away from work. Farkle could only hope that she knew what all he was thanking her for. For hanging around longer at their lockers. For being a late night study buddy. For everything. He could only hope.

There was a knock on Farkle's door frame, snapping him out of his thoughts. Riley was leaning against the frame, her arms crossed across her chest.

"What's with Smackle?"
author's note: short chapter, but important! look at smack's phrasing.

if you ever get curious about up-coming books, check my bio. currently there is; purple rain, star collector, heroes, legacies, and, one i just started today, the twilight zone.

and if you want to know about updates for them, check my conversations.

much love, peaches xx

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