four; babineaux

657 39 2

Greenwich Village, New York
October 13, 1929


"i've been on my knees, praying
like, praying like a sinner."


When the five reached Farkle's small, one bedroom apartment, Maya cleared her throat and said,"Riles, can I speak to you?"

Riley looked at her best friend. She nodded, and Maya grabbed her arm, pulling Riley into the kitchen that was partly hidden by a cream colored wall. Maya didn't release her, but spun on her heels to face the brunette. Riley could see Maya coming unhinged by each passing second.

"Riley, what did Josh want?" Maya asked quietly, her voice dangerously on edge. Riley knew what question was running through Maya's mind. He didn't mention that.

"He just wanted to ask where I've been all this time," Riley answered, trying to remain calm.

"What did you tell him? Did you tell him anything?"

"I didn't tell him about anything at Knickerbocker. Even if I did, it wouldn't've been about that."

"I know, I know. It's just... everything's changed for us since then," Maya whispered slowly.

Riley scoffed,"Peaches, things changed before we left."

Maya gave her a look.

"Maybe for you, Riles."

Riley returned the look, but shook her head,"Let's just drop it, okay? The past is the past. We don't need to fight right now.

"You're right. You're right."

Riley watched as her friend struggled to truly agree, but, grudgingly, she did. The two shuffled back into the living room that didn't bare more than a couch, recliner, and a radio. Zay had already welcomed himself to the recliner as Farkle sat on his couch, and Lucas stood, leaning against the wall. His green eyes were narrowed, probably still calming himself down from the prior events. Riley shifted her gaze to Farkle. His lanky figure was sprawled out, and he ran his hand through his hair anxiously. Lastly, Riley looked at Zay, who was mirroring Farkle's poor posture.

"Hey, Fark," Zay began, breaking the silence and making all eyes dart to him,"Got any liquor?"

Farkle nodded wordlessly and shuffled out of the room to retrieve Zay's liquor. He returned within seconds, handing it to Zay. Riley took a mental note of how much Zay had drank throughout the day.

"So, Zay," Maya began, leaning against the wall, mirroring Lucas,"Why do ya drink so much?"

Riley watched as Lucas shot her a look.

"Maya—," Riley began.

"No, Riles, I want to hear this."

Zay looked up at Maya. Riley couldn't pin down the emotion of the man's face.

"Maya, I'm not sure if that's a good idea," Lucas cut in.

"No, Lucas, she can know. All of 'em can. I don't care who knows it anymore. Not that they know anyone here," Zay said, carrying his liquor bottle out the door with him.

THE GIRL THAT TIME FORGOT ▷ RIARKLEWhere stories live. Discover now