eight; reunions

503 40 5

Greenwich Village, New York
October 14, 1929


"the lights are on and
everybody's home."


Riley chewed her bottom lip anxiously as she waited for Katy to bring her parents down the stairs.

"Who's Lucas with?" Maya whispered.

Riley looked over at the two. Riley could see her face now. She was pretty with a petite figure, dark eyes, and a pale face.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask, Maya?" Riley whispered back.

"No. Okay?"


"Riley?" Asked a voice that was more than familiar. Riley looked to her mother. Her caramel brown hair had faded out to gray and her face showed years of worry and hard work, but her blue eyes still widened when she was shocked or angry.

"Mom," Riley said before being engulfed in a hug.

Topanga pulled back, taking in her daughter,"You're alive."

"I'm alive," Riley agreed, wiping away her mother's few stray tears.

"Your dad will be so overjoyed to see you!"

"Can we go up to the apartment? Please?" Riley asked, making eye contact with Lucas.

"We both still have to work, but maybe back behind here?" Topanga asked, gesturing to the back room.

"That'll work," Riley nodded.

Riley turned to find Lucas watching her with a look of suspicion. She held his gaze, feeling as if she was paralyzed.

"Bet you ten bucks he'll mention this to Farkle and Zay," Maya whispered to Riley.

"Probably, yeah," Riley agreed, holding her eye contact with Lucas.

Riley turned away from Lucas. She couldn't bring herself to look at him any longer. He knows that you're not telling him something, uttered a voice in Riley's head. Riley glanced at Maya, who was still looking at Lucas.

"C'mon," Riley said, tugging at Maya's hand.

"Okay," Maya muttered, turned to face Riley.

"Let's go see your new stepdad," Riley grinned slightly. Maya mirrored her smile.

"Yeah," Maya agreed, linking arms with Riley.

The two walked back to be greeted by none other than Shawn Hunter. Shawn reached out and pulled both girls in a hug.

"Uncle Shawn!" Riley said against him.

"Hi girls," Shawn murmured.

They pulled away. Like everyone else, Shawn looked at both women.

"Wow," he whispered,"you've grown up fast."

Riley smiled.

THE GIRL THAT TIME FORGOT ▷ RIARKLEWhere stories live. Discover now