nine; wrong

521 42 11

Greenwich Village, New York
October 14, 1929


"i don't wanna
be in love."


When Riley and Maya walked through Farkle's office door, he couldn't help but feel both relieved and unnerved. He also couldn't help, but take notice of how red and puffy Riley's big brown eyes were. He wanted to ask why, if she was okay, but Farkle didn't.

"Riley," Farkle smiled."You're here. I was starting to think you wouldn't show."

Riley cocked her head to the side, giving him a small smile,"Now, why would I do that?"

His lips continued to up-hold his smile.

"I don't know."

Before Riley could respond, Lucas burst through the door, causing everyone to turn and look at him.

"Farkle, I need to — oh, hi, Riley. Maya," Lucas awkwardly paused.

Maya spun around, placing a hand on her hips, and a small smirk playing out on her pale pink lips.

"Hi, Huckleberry," Maya said, an edge to her tone.

"Hi..., Maya," Lucas said, obviously uncomfortable.

"Who were you eatin' with over at Topanga's, Lucas?" Maya smirked.

"Missy Bradford."

Farkle watched as both girls' expressions fell to the floor while their faces turned white.

"Bradford?" Maya exclaimed.

Farkle's eyes didn't leave Riley. Her brown eyes grew large. Riley looked like she was going to be sick.

"I'll be right back," Riley said in a small voice, forcing a polite smile before running off.

Without thinking, Farkle followed only to halt after turing the corner, well out of sight from his office.

"What did I do?!"

"Missy worked with Riley and I at Knickerbocker, Lucas! She's a bad chick! Like really, really bad!"

"How bad can she be?!"

"She's a prostitute, Lucas! She robs business men of their rights to their businesses!"

"Oh and you don't?!"

Farkle heard a face being slapped, assumingly Lucas'.

"Fuck you, Friar."

Farkle could hear Maya's heels click down the hall. He soon saw her face red with fury, and her blue eyes were brimming with tears.

"I'm gonna see Riley," Maya said, her voice thick.

Farkle gestured for her to go ahead.
Riley was huddled in a corner, trying to keep herself calm. Missy. Missy. She's here. Shit. Missy Bradford was here. She maybe trying to rob Lucas or Farkle. Farkle. Tears sprung to her eyes when his name entered her mind.

"Honey, it's me. Let me in," Maya said gently. Riley huddled out of the way.

"Okay, Peaches," Riley muttered quietly.

Slowly, the door creaked open. Maya's head popped in. She lowered herself to Riley's level, shutting the closet door behind her.

"Hey," Maya said gently, brushing hair out of Riley's eyes.

"Hi," Riley gave her a sad smile.

"Lucas basically called me a slut," Maya said in a sweet tone with a smile to match.

Riley's jaw slightly fell open.


"I told him what Missy did, and he accused me of doing the same thing."

Riley jumped to her feet only to be pulled back down by Maya.

"Let me, Peaches!" Riley whined, her protective instincts kicking in.

"I slapped him and said words, Honey."

"Not nice words?" Riley asked with a hopeful tone.

"Not nice words," Maya agreed with a small laugh.


"Now can we get out of this closet?"

"Of course."

Maya and Riley stood, linking arms.
"Lucas, you're crazy!" Farkle exclaimed.

"I'm not! I think Riley has a child!" Lucas argued.

"So what if she does! And I won't believe that until she tells me herself! And if she wants me to know, she'll tell me! But either way, I'll love her just the same," Farkle said calmly, trying to end the argument, and not realizing that he said that he loved Riley.

"Whatever," Lucas said before storming out.

Farkle saw Maya and Riley round the corner, arms linked and heads resting on each other. There was a small, content smile on Riley's lips. He loved seeing it there.

Maya craned her neck, faking curiosity,"What's Huckleberry's problem?"

"Everything," Farkle deadpanned with a slight smirk. Riley laughed quietly.

Farkle mustered up a smile again.

"So, Riley, want me to show you your work?" Farkle asked.

"That'd be great," Riley answered, returning his smile.

Riley broke apart from Maya to join Farkle. Riley and Farkle told Maya to get home safely, and, soon, The Blonde Beauty had departed.
author's note: way to go, lucass! and for the next chapter, i think i'll do a flashback, so watch the date (october 14, 1929, etc.)

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