Messing With an Author During Their Worktime

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(Spoiler alert!There are two characters that will be put in the 3rd Fated Wonders book that will appear here!If you want,you can skip this part of the book!)

Ashy:Bella,I need ideas.I got writer's block AGAIN.
Bella:Here.*hands over ideas*
*Roy walks in*
Roy:Can I see the script?
Roy:Why not?
Ashy:Because then someone will see it and the chapter will be spoiled.
*Evelyn walks in*
Evelyn:Sir,I highly recommend you leave her alone while she and Bella are busy...
Roy:Why?She's a cat,and I'm a prince!
Bella:We can easily take your powers away,idiot.
Roy:You also write the book?
Bella:Of course I don't.*Says sarcastically*(She does help,and I appreciate it ^_^)
Roy:*gets up in Ashy's workspace*Show me da script.*trying to persuade her*
Ashy:No*Persuasion failed*
Roy:Oh,come on!*trying to charm her*
Ashy:N.O.*Charm failed*NO.
Roy:*storms off*
*5 minutes later...*
*tank comes rolling in*
Roy:OH ASHY!!!*evil grin*
Ashy:Where did you get a tank in Esenon?
Roy:Astra broke logic for me.
Bella:I'll get her...*goes off*
Ashy:*makes tank go away with the flick of her wrist with the hand holding her pencil*
Evelyn:*grabs Roy's ear*
*Bella comes in dragging Astra by the horn*
Astra:He tried to burn me.
Evelyn:Cmon,sir.*drags him away*
Bella:Should I get the other Bella?
*Bella from Fated Wonders peeks in*
Astra:Nu T-T
Bella:Ok,promise not to help Roy again?
Astra:Yus ;-;
Ashy and Bella:Good

Astra,Roy,Evelyn,Bella-Fated Wonders
Ashy,Bella-Me and BellaLoneWolf10

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