Warrior Names Taken Literally

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(A/N: All characters, aside from Voldermort from Harry Potter, are from Warriors, a series by Erin Hunter)

Tigerstar: Hello, my little pretties! *wrings paws*

Hawkfrost: *peeks out from behind camera* What?! Tigerstar, act fierce! You're a freaking evil cat!

Tigerstar: DON'T SASS ME! I was just born- *flips nonexistent hair* -FABULOUS!

Hawkfrost: *groans* Dad, you're embarrassing me!

Tigerstar: Well, sorry that I, the magnificent leader of Dark Forest, am not your ideal father! *swishes tail in a fabulous manner*

Hawkfrost: Can we hurry up and do the dumb thing?!

Tigerstar: Yes, of course! We need to kill more cats for Voldermort!... *creepy smile*

Hawkfrost: *facepaw*

Tigerstar: Am I embarrassing you? *hugs Hawkfrost, stroking his head* There, there, my little me.

Hawkfrost: Dad, please. Staph.

Tigerstar: *messes with a flip lighter* I wonder what this will do?

Hawkfrost: Dad, don't mess with it. It'll burn you. And how did you get that Twoleg thing?!

Tigerstar: Cloudtail. *yowls* OH, FLAMETAIL!

Flametail: *darts in* You rang?

Tigerstar: No, I burn! *sets Flametail's tail on fire*

Flametail: *shrieks* OH MY STARCLAN WHAT THE HECK?! *runs into lake* *drowns*

Tigerstar: *evil laughing*

Hawkfrost: This chapter is gonna be ironic, isn't it? *slumps down*

Hawkfrost: *adjusts camera* Alright, we are rolling in three, two, one-

Cloudtail: *tackles Hawkfrost* HAWKY!

Hawkfrost: *hisses* What?!

Cloudtail: Your name is HAWKY, now!

Hawkfrost: Says who?!

Cloudtail: My uncle, Firestar!

Hawky: *shouts* Dad! Can we kill Firestar, next?!

Tigerstar: *runs in* *sniffles* My nine lifelong dream will come true, Hawky! IT SHALL!


Tigerstar: I have the perfect bait to trap my foe! *sets a cookie down on a rock underneath a rickety branch*

Hawky: Really?!

*distant meowing*

Firestar: *runs to the cookie* MY PRECIOUS! *huddles on it and snarls*

*the branch falls on Firestar, crushing him*

Firestar: *dead*

Tigerstar: Quick! Get his heart!

Hawky: *slips away from a jittery and oblivious Cloudtail and plucks Firestar's heart out*

Tigerstar: *snatches it and lights it ablaze* YAY! *sets it down and prances around it, screaming nonsense*

Hawky: Can we change my name back?

Tigerstar: Hm? Oh, yeah, your Hawkfrost.

Tigerstar: *flicking a random stick around with his paws* Who shall we torture next, my mini me?

Hawkfrost: I dunno. You're the one who wanted to do this dumb thing. *munches on tuna burger*

Tigerstar: *light bulb appears over head* Son, I just had a great idea!


Hawkfrost: *leading Honeyfur* This way...

Tigerstar: *hides beehive behind back* Perfect!

Honeyfur: What's going on-

Tigerstar: *smashes hive and smothers Honeyfur's fur in honey*

Honeyfur: *spits honey out of mouth* What the heck?! *Bees buzz angrily around her* *shrieks and runs off slowly*

Tigerstar: Mwah ha ha ha! *claps paws together evilly*

Hawkfrost: *glances at time* Shoot, we're out of time. I'm gonna shut the camera off.


Hawkfrost: *rolls eyes* Fine.

Tigerstar: Well, sadly we have to end this episode of-!

Hawkfrost: Dad, this isn't a show... it's a chapter.

Tigerstar: Why did you ruin my dream of owning a show?! D:

Hawkfrost: Logic.

Tigerstar: Fine! I'm gonna go watch Powerpuff Girls... *sulks off*

Hawkfrost: What the actual HECK is wrong with you?!

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