Don't Act Dumb

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I recently found out that Reinhardt had two new skins (which looks amazing and I'm not going to say profanity) and I decided to practice with Reinhardt just cause. I usually go to a certain website (The Overwatch Wiki on Gamepedia) and look at the Strategy recommended. And it always works. Example, I wanted to see how to play Zenyatta, looked it up, and I got a good grasp of him.

I did the same with Reinhardt. When I looked at Hero Counters, I . . .

It's the one for Mercy that gets me

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It's the one for Mercy that gets me.

"Don't act dumb."

Why would a Mercy even try to 1v1 a Tank? She's made for healing, not dealing damage.

Even better question: Why is that Mercy not with her team?

It's stupid stuff like this that makes me loose it.

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