I recently found out that Reinhardt had two new skins (which looks amazing and I'm not going to say profanity) and I decided to practice with Reinhardt just cause. I usually go to a certain website (The Overwatch Wiki on Gamepedia) and look at the Strategy recommended. And it always works. Example, I wanted to see how to play Zenyatta, looked it up, and I got a good grasp of him.
I did the same with Reinhardt. When I looked at Hero Counters, I . . .
It's the one for Mercy that gets me.
"Don't act dumb."
Why would a Mercy even try to 1v1 a Tank? She's made for healing, not dealing damage.
Even better question: Why is that Mercy not with her team?
It's stupid stuff like this that makes me loose it.
Random Book of Random
Humor(The picture on the cover is from Fullmetal Alchemist) This is just random things. From random ideas. In my random mind.