First Date

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A/n: Hello! I should actually be writing my Phil x reader, but I got inspired because...


That's more people than are in my high school (yes I go to the literal smallest school ever)

Also new cover. It's exactly like the old one except this one has the title on it.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.

It had been a few weeks since VidCon. Dan hadn't called you yet. Sometimes you came close to calling him, but you always chickened out. You knew it was silly, but he was danisnotonfire.

You sat on the couch of the flat you shared with (f/n). Tumblr was up and browsing position was activated. (F/n) was across from you in a chair talking with a boy she'd met last night at the club. You heard the ding of a text message on your phone. Getting a text wasn't the most surprising thing that could happen, but it definitely wasn't normal.

You glanced at the screen suspecting it to be your mom. The phone told you it was Dan Howell.

Hey! Want 2 get that coffee?

You texted back:

Sure, when are you free?

Anytime really. Wbu?

I'm free now. Starbucks in like 20 minutes?

Sounds good :D

You suppressed a squeal so (f/n) wouldn't know anything was up. In twenty minutes you would be on a date with Dan.

Twenty minutes

You looked down at yourself. You were in an over sized tee with sports pants.

You threw down your laptop and ram to your room. The last thing you saw as you fled the room was (f/n) giving you a look like she suspected you were insane.


For an hour before I texted (f/n) I debated over it.

Should I call or text?

What should I wear?

What if she says no?

What if she thinks that I like her platonically?

What if Harry Styles is there and asks her out and totally steals her away from me?

15 minutes were spent staring at the text before sending. When she accepted I jumped up off my bed to celebrate. Instead I just got dizzy from all the blood still being in my feet and fell over. I heard laughing and saw Phil standing in my doorway.

"What was that?" He giggled.

"I just asked out (y/n) and she said yes."

Phil's face lit up, "That's awesome! Congrats!"

Come A Little Closer: danisnotonfire X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now