A Chapter With Words And Stuff

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Stop. Look up Fall Out Boy singing I Wanna Be Like You from the Jungle Book. Appreciate the beauty of the song. Continue reading the chapter.

The next week Dan invited you to come over to he flat and hang.

For over 4 hours the two of you just sat watching Netflix. Phil walked in half way through (TV show).

"Is this your guy's idea of a date?" He looked at the two of you scrutinizingly. Dan nodded next to you. "Wow..." Phil grabbed a backpack and walked out of the door. "I'll be back later."

" Wait! Where are you going-" Phil shut the door before Dan could finish. You shrugged at Dan.

"Phil's right." Dan said.

" Hmm?" You turned your face lazily towards Dan.

" We should do something. I mean, have we ever had an official date?"

"Does the video game thing count?" You asked.

"We should go out somewhere. I want people to see me with you and wonder how I got you to say yes."

You laughed. Dan's eyes pleaded with you. You couldn't say no.

"If we're going somewhere nice I need to go home and change."

"I'll take you." Dan said. "Let me get ready first." Dan took your hand and led you to his room. You sat on the bed as he chose what to wear. He ended up with a black tee with a blazer over it. He kept his normal black skinny jeans and zippy shoes. (Zippy shoes?)

Your flat was only a few blocks from Dan's so the two of you walked. (F/n) was out probably with your ex. (F/n) had never been with a guy for longer than a few weeks. She had been going out with your ex for over a month now. It was irritating. Dan sat on the couch to wait for you.

You picked out whatever outfit you wanted because I'm not good with clothes and you know what you'd wear better than I do. Like I would never wear half the outfits people write in their books but that's not anyone's fault. Sorry. Tangent. Anyways you look adorable as I'm sure you always do.

You came back into the living room. Dan grinned when he saw you.

"You look beautiful." He seemed a bit shy all of a sudden. He realised he was staring, cleared his throat, and glanced down at his phone. "I found a restaurant I think would be good. It's just around the corner, if you're okay with walking?"

You nodded. "Sounds great." (If the outfit you chose was like super high Lady Gaga sized high shoes then you probs aren't so happy with the walking thing. Dan can carry you. Or not cuz I'm not so confident in his arm strength... I am very distracted today sorry.)

At the restaurant Dan asked for a table away from the other people. This way the two of you could talk without other people talking over you. After you ordered (a food) you began to talk.

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