Not An Actual Chapter, But I Got Tagged!

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The title says it all.

I was tagged by KawaiiApple21 check her out as she is awesome and talks to me ☺


Let's go!

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Let's go!

👽I have 2 accounts on Wattpad. I'm using this one to write and hide from the people I know irl.

👽I got the new Harry Potter book/ play thing. I'm not overwhelmed. Albus is being a jerk; and I don't like seeing Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all grown up. They have such boring lives now. I haven't finished it yet though, so it can always get better.

👽I almost fainted last night at volleyball because I didn't eat before practice like the idiot I am.

👽I have never been on a rollercoaster bc no one in my family likes them. I want to go on one v bad though.

👽My grandma threatened to hide my shoes bc I'm always wearing the same one pair

There you go. 5 facts about me you didn't really care about. I will update the actual story soon. Now I have to tag 15 people. This is actually more like a challenge. The 'Do I feel comfortable enough with 15 of my followers so that I can tag them and not worry about it for the next year of my life? Challenge'.

I may just start hitting names of my followers.

(Firstly I tag anyone reading this who wants to do it.)

(I spent an hour trying to figure out people to tag. I am too awkward for my own good.)


Hi_its_taylor (she gave me my new name, Crabapple. I will answer to nothing else from now on.)



und3rth3d0rktr33 (they commented on this story today and made me laugh so... Hey 😁)











If I tagged you and you don't wanna do it that's cool. Ik some of you didn't have a published story so I get if you don't want to make one just for one tag.


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