FYI I Suck...

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The first half of this chapter was written in the summer when Pokemon Go was still cool so...

The first day Dan was allowed to be on his feet, he barely sat down once. You were walking home from the hospital (on Dan's request) when he proposed a plan for the entire day to you.

"How about we just walk around London for the entire day?"

"That's a lot of walking." You said hesitant to be away from WiFi for that long.

"Exactly!" Dan swung your hand back and forth.

"Pokemon Go?" You suggested.

"I don't have my tights." You stared at Dan for more than 5 minutes before realizing he was serious.

"So we are walking- for a whole day. We're not doing anything in particular, and I'm not allowed to play Pokemon Go? What is the point of this?"

"I dunno," Dan said grinning widely. "To see all the stuff we never see because we're holed up in our flat all day. Enjoy the wild life in the parks. Go to random places we don't usually." He turned to you still smiling.

"Isn't that what Pokemon Go is for?"

Dan rolled his eyes.

"It could be fun!" He coaxed.

You sighed. "Fine. But if it gets boring-"

"Pokemon Go. I know. Let's go!"

Hours later you feet were slowly dying. Dan seemed fine & overly energized.

"15 more minutes and then we go home?" You begged.

Dan looked conflicted. "Okay. But for that 15 minutes we go in here." He gestured to a shop that looked like nerd heaven. "And you can't see what I got until we're back at the flat."

"Deal," the store was filled with enough merch you were sure you could easily pass 15 minutes quickly.

You & Dan headed to opposite sides of the store. You were surrounded by band merch. You nearly cried it was so beautiful.

Less than fifteen minutes later Dan, with a mysterious bag, showed up to head back to the flat.


Caspar & Phil were on the couch in the lounge. Phil's arm was around Caspar & Yuri on Ice (so good 💕) was on.

Dan smiled at Phil when you two came in. You followed him up to the kitchen where the bag taunted you while he made hot chocolate to warm up. After he put a mug of cocoa in front of you he slid the bag across the counter.

"Open it."

You reached in & pulled out a jacket.

"You kept talking about Pokemon Go so... I bought you a trainer's jacket ."

You reached over & gave him a hug.

"Pokemon Go isn't really as cool anymore. Our author's tablet broke & they didn't get a new one until Christmas. You tried, Dan."


(*coughs* totally not breaking the fourth wall or anything)

A/n: I think I'm just gonna end this chapter there. Sorry it's pretty stupid. I started writing it 4-5 months ago so idk if I was actually going somewhere with it.

I feel bad for not updating for so long so I'll probably update again pretty soon with an actual good chapter. 😝


23k reads... that's crazy tysm


Angel 👽

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Angel 👽

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