Movie Night

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You spent the rest of the week indoors. It made you feel safe even though the creep who was stalking Dan obviously could see in the flat.

Phil had left for his family's home leaving just you and Dan alone. And if the week hadn't fun enough all ready, the heat broke down on a cold snap. In spring, no less! Coats and blankets came back out. Fun.

Saturday, Dan came into the office where you were playing Halo. He hit the power button on the Xbox.

"Dude!" You shouted sitting up.

"Chill. Get some shoes on. We're going shopping." He smirked and planted a kiss on you head.

"Oh, yeah. I'd totally rather go shopping than play video games." You mumbled sarcastically, but you got up and pulled on some shoes anyways.

Dan led you through crowded streets. He pulled you into a grocery store. He went quickly through the aisles, picking up popcorn, chips, (fav candy), and- of course- Malteasers. He got a 2 liter of pop on an after thought.

After paying for all the food, he pulled you into the library. You got distracted by all the books, but Dan tugged at your arm until you moved. He walked up and down the aisles of movies. He picked out the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the Spiderman trilogy, and finally your favorite movie(s). You smiled at the fact he remembered. You picked up a book that had peaked your interest just before you got into the check out line.

Back at home, Dan took his duvet and  the fluffiest blankets in the flat and piled the all onto the couch. The popcorn was popped, the chips were in a bowl, and each of you had your bags of your favorite candy and the first movie was in the DVD player. Dan cuddled close to you to share your body heat. In the middle of the movie Dan tickled you; causing you to accidentally kick the cup of pop Dan had.

At last the first movie went off. It was time for the second movie to be put in. The only problem was neither of you wanted to move out from the cozy blankets into the freezing air beyond.

"Be a man." You coaxed Dan. He slid even further beneath the blanket. "I didn't want to do this." You said feigning regret. You took your cold fingers and placed them on his neck. Since he didn't like people touching his neck anyways, the cold just made it doubly effective. He let out a high pitched shriek and pushed your hand away. To get back at you, he placed his feet on your thigh and pushed you right off the couch onto the cold floor. You immediately grabbed for the blankets, but Dan pulled them away from you.

"Put in the next movie while you're up." He gave wide, mischievous grin while you glared at him.

Because you wanted to get back under the blankets as soon as possible, you rolled your eyes and put the next movie in the player. Dan smiled and opened the blanket to you. You punched his chest playfully before snuggling into him.

"You're putting the next one in." You grumbled.

A/n: Hey. Sorry this is a short and pretty crappy chapter. Also sorry for any random words or punctuation in places they don't belong. I downloaded a new keyboard and I'm still getting used to it, and there's not enough time for me to edit.


I kinda suck at life, but hey... ヽ(´ー`)┌


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