11. The Flu Is Romantic

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Four Days Later

Hinata's POV



"You bakas shouldn't have been in that freezing rain!" Neji scolded us through his medical mask.

"Gomen... ACHOO!" I croaked.

Yup. You guessed it. Me and Naruto were both sick... Naruto wasn't at first... But ya know.... Kissing spreads germs (he insisted on a kiss).

Kim thought it was a good idea to keep the sick people together instead of multiple germs around the house. Hiashi didn't want me in his room, and he didn't want him in my room, soooooo we were in the living room.

Neji hated it so much, taking care of Naruto. I begged him since I couldn't do it and Tenten made an effort.

"Here's your soup." Kim entered with a large tray.

"A-arigato." Naruto said.

We slurped up the hot soup in sync. Neji left the room with a huff and we were left alone.

"How romantic..." I whispered to myself.

"It is." Naruto looked at me.

I looked at the blonde man across the room. I was on one couch and he was on the other.

"C-cuddling would s- suppress t-the chill." I shivered through the piles of blankets on me.

"Y- yeah." He gave me a weak smile.

God I hate this. Being under constant surveillance and not being able kiss, hug.... Nothing!

"Hey." Tenten entered with a medical mask.

"Hi." I smiled.

She closed the door behind her.

"You weren't sick two days ago Naruto...." She eyed the both of us.

I blushed and Naruto avoided eye contact.

"Ca'mon people! I don't even approve of this but I don't want you guys to get hurt.... Well Hinata...."


"Sorry... But c'mon! Be more discreet, if one is sick don't kiss. Seriously guys, you two need to think before you act." She crossed her arms.

"Gomen." We said in unison.

"Yeah. Do you guys need something?"

"We're fi-"

"Could y-you make sure n-no one comes i-in here tonight?" Naruto shivered.

"Eh?! Why would I do that?!" She looked shocked.

Wrong idea Tenten.

"S-so we can s-sleep together.....?" He looked at her.

Oh Naruto....

My face turned more crimson than it was already and I covered my face with the blanket.

"Y- you guys sleep together?! Haven't you only known each other like three weeks?!" Tenten's eyes widened.

"N- no! I m-meant like sleep sleep! That's all!" Naruto's face blushed from realization.

"Oh....I'll try...I guess. I still don't-"

"A-approve of it. We know. B- but it's for m-my happiness." I smiled at her.

"Mhm..." She growled.

Yes Lady Hinata •NaruHina•Where stories live. Discover now