17. Um... Happy Birthday?

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Hinata's POV

"Hina..... Hinata.... Hinata?!" I felt arms around me and then my body on a soft surface.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Sasuke over me and Sakura at my side.

"What hap--.... Naruto!" I shot up from the bed, almost butting heads with Sasuke.

"Hey! Calm down Hinata... What's wrong?"

"Honey? What's wrong?"
"I'm wrong!"

"I am." I whispered.


"He doesn't want me." I mumbled, remembering what happened from my fuzzy minded state.


"Naruto... Doesn't want me."

"What?!" The duo yelled in unison.

"He broke up with me. He doesn't want me anymore." Silent tears fell from my eyes.

"He what?! I 'oughta kick his ass!" Sakura steamed.

"Don't! What's the point?" I grabbed her arm and stared into her jade green eyes.

"But what happened?"

"He just started talking about how I'll be better with Sasuke..." Tears started developing once again. "And that... He'll never be good for me... But I don't. Where is he?! Please I need to know!" I felt worry wash over me.

"I dunno, it's 6 pm, we just finished setting things up for tomorrow. We came in here and you were passed out on the ground." Sakura sat next to me.

"Please find him..."

"I'll go--"

"No you stay with Hina, I'll search for him." Sakura got up.

Naruto's POV

Scum of the earth. Worst man on the planet.

I was curled up in a ball in the bathtub of mine and Sasuke's room. My face was drenched in tears and I was all alone.

"Bastard." I whispered to myself.

"Naruto?! Are you in here?!" A high pitched voice yelled.

I merely shut the sliding shower door and sank down lower, I didn't feel like conversing.

"Naru--?!" I heard the door open. "Ya know people can still see the shapes and colors of things behind these doors right? That's why it's so unsightly for a girl to have one but yet the hotel has these." She pulled the shower door open, making it slam on the wall with her she-devil strength.

"I don't feel like talking."

"Then don't."

The pinkette climbed in the tub and sat opposite from me, her dress fanning over her legs.

"But if you don't talk you'll just be listening to me rant about what an idiot you are."

"Sakura please..." I croaked.

"No. Ahem, rant one... You really have no reason to be crying. You're the one that broke up with her and only people who don't love someone break up with them. So by your actions I'm assuming you don't love that beautiful girl in there. Now she has the right to cry, in fact that's all she's doing right now. And plus she says that you think Sasuke will be better for her, but we all know that's not true. Sasuke is my boyfriend but I really truly and honestly don't see them in a---"

"Sakura, shut the hell up!" I sat up on the slippery surface. "Leave me alone!"

"No, I said you--"

Yes Lady Hinata •NaruHina•Where stories live. Discover now