A little party never killed nobody!

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Entering into the party was not as bad as Jessie thought it would be. No one stared as she walked in. No one even noticed except for the butler who had escorted them to the proper room. It was rather anti climatic event. The most nerve wracking event was going up the Wayne Tower elevator. No one should be shot up seventy floors in an elevator MADE OF GLASS. They had arrived and Jessie received a badge dictating to school she was representing. Then was escorted inside to the ball room. The party was in full swing when they arrived. There was an orchestra set up in a corner playing lovely music. The lighting was bright and yellow and threw washes across the floor in a sunlight fashion. There were waiters standing around the chatting guests serving horderves and the elders champagne. Jessie even spotted other children from the local Gotham high schools. She saw a petite girl with wispy silver hair from Gotham Academy. The most elite school in Gotham. She made note to steer clear of that area.

"Why don't you go find some kids to talk with." Her mother whispered to her nudging her towards a group of people closest to them. Tentatively Jessie walked over the the group of people. There was a girl around Jessie's age, a male just a bit older than them and a young woman. The girl and the boy both wore very plain outfits for the fancy occasion. The girl wore a short black dress and the boy a simple suit. The girl's hair was intricately braided into a circlet around her head which Jessie thought odd. Jessie only caught the back end of the conversation they were having with the woman.

"... we should be off soon. Aaron wanted us back before eleven due to the riots that have been happening. Don't get into too much trouble." The girl said before turning to leave with the man. This left only her and the blonde woman.

"Hello." Jessie said shyly. "I'm Jessie. I'm here representing North Collegiate High." Jessie took a look at the dress the woman was wearing. It was a dark shad of red with elaborate black crystals. "You must be one of the benefactors."

"I'm the benefactor of something all right!" She let out a high pitched laugh. "I'm Harley. Nice to meet ya." There was a Brooklyn charm to her accent. Jessie didn't ask in case she was wrong. People from that area tended to be rather protective of their burrows.

"It's nice to meet you as well!" She smiled as they shook hands. "You look very pretty."

"Ah well thank you! You look nice in that dress of yours too." Harley complimented.

"Thanks, but you are gorgeous. Red is a nice color on you." Jessie hoped that she wasn't coming off too weird or strong. Harley gave her a wide smile so Jessie felt welcomed.

"Ya think so? My boyfriend helped me pick it out." She twirled around and smiled as if recalling a memory.

"Oh is your boyfriend here?"

"Nah, Mr. J wanted to be fashionably late." She took a look at a clock mounted on the far wall. "He should be here soon though."

It took Jessie approximately three seconds to process what Harley she was currently talking to and what Mr. J was currently on his way to the banquet.

"Well then, I should head back to my mom." She started to slide away. "It was nice to meet you!" She threw that comment over her shoulder as she merged her way into the crowd of adults and teenagers. She needed to get out of here, her needed to call the police, she needed to call the BATMAN, she needed an adult to handle this situation. She looked around for her mother who was nowhere in site. Fear was slowly making a presents in her mind as Jessie stood alone in the crowded room. "Mom!" She called out. This got the attention of everyone except for her mother. Faces stared at her as she pushed her way through the crowd towards to edge of the room. She needed to get out of here. She walked up to one of the men who had escorted her in as just as she opened her mouth there was a piercing shrill as glass rained down in the room. Before she could process anything gunshots started ringing around the room. People were shouting and running in all directions. Jessie pressed herself against the wall as not to get trapped in the chaos. Panic went through her mind at a thousand miles an hour, blurring every thought she had together making her numb with fear. Her head snapped towards the main entrance as the owners of the guns slowly appeared in site. There was a single gunshot and a new voice rang out.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen!" It shouted. Jessie was squished between bodies as they backed away from the man in terror. His voice traveled the room with him as he walked.

"Well let's not stop the fun now!" A laugh of insanity filled the room quickly after. "What? Not in the mood?" Jessie pushed against the crowd to see who was ransacking the party. She pushed her way through until she could see the man.

"Well, I'm running the show now. So you all had better. Lighten. Up." That laugh. She knew that laugh. It haunted every child of Gotham.

Joker. In the flesh. Well as much natural flesh as his white face, smeared red lips, and green hair could be. Everyone in Gotham knew him. Hell everyone in the Western Hemisphere knew him.

He stopped laughing and looked around the room, as if he was searching for something. Jesse tried to slink back into the crowd but everyone was frozen solid. His plan was unknown and panic had taken a hold of the room. He was the true master of the moment.

"Who wants to have some fun?" He clapped his hands together and smiled looking around the room. "No one? Well that's disappointing." He pulled a party popper from one of the guests hands. He pulls it and it lets a bang that echoes around the silent room.

"See not so bad!" He lets out another maniacal laugh. "How about you young sir?" He asked with a smile as he pointed to a man trembling in the crowd. The man nervously shook his head. Even from a distance away, Jessie could see the sweat dripping down his forehead.

The Joker then proceeded to pull a dramatic frown and then shrugged. "To bad." He laughed before pulling a flower out of his jacket and spraying a green gas in his face. The Joker laughed and was soon joined by the victim as the horrible gas filled his lungs. Jessie was horrified by the scene that unfolded in front of her.

With every tragic event that will ever occur there will be people who overreact. It's an unavoidable fact that happens when anxiety is catalyzed by fear. The crowd around the young man contained a few of those people. They began to scream and cower terrifying more people than the Joker had. the panic spread slowly from person to person dispersing itself amount the crowd. The people began to panic and began pushing to get away. A mob had formed. The people close to Jessie began crushing her between their bodies. The Joker couldn't help but laugh again at the chaos around him. This must be exactly what he wants. "Who else would like to have some fun? Anyone?" He questions as his first victim's laughs were dying down because the man also was dying.

'Conner could stop this freak... he's got the muscles for it.' Jessie thought trying to calm herself. She found that adding humor to a tragic situation helped her think more clearly. She needed to stay focus and not lose herself to the mass panic around her if she wanted to get out alive.

"How about you miss?" Joker asked a lady in the crowd. Jessie tried to look to see if she could distract him or find a weakness in the room to use as a weapon. However the crowd was once again blocking her way.

"NO PLEASE NO!" The lady begged. Tears were staining her face black as they ran down from her eyes, dragging mascara along her cheeks. She was trembling and gasping for air.

"Awwww. Looks like someone isn't having very much fun. Well, don't worry Uncle J is here to turn that frown upside down." The green haired maniac said.

"Leave her alone and pick on someone your own size." A strong voice voice called out from the crowd.

"Mom!" Jessie shoved against the crowd clawing her way to the front. Again Jessie went through the struggle of getting to the front of the crowd. "Mom! No! What are you doing!" The people were frozen with fright and would not let her pass.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we got here folks! Is it a challenge?" Jessie him advance forward through the shoulders of the guests. He was smiling a terrible smile at what must be her mother on the other side of the room. "I love a good challenge, don't you boys?" Chuckles were heard from around the room from his gang of thugs.

"If you are looking to terrorize people then look around. You've been successful. If you are looking for any sort of recognition then you are crazier than everyone thinks. You're just a man who needs help." The words triggered another burst of laughter.

"Me? Help? HA! If anyone needs help it's gonna be you." 


Special thanks too "Iamarkhamasylum" for being my  my editor and helping me out sense I don't have the best grammar skills.

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