Stockholm Syndrome

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You know in action books how they describe everything happening at once? This wasn't like that. Jessie looks back on it and kicks herself for not doing something, anything to help. The first thing that happened was everyone whipped there heads up to look at the bus. There perched Batman in all of his justice-y glory. Jessie had never felt so relived in her entire life. Forget what anyone said about the Batman being useless and a virus of Gotham. He was an angel who walked the Earth. Batman was glaring at Joker and Harley when he looked down at Jessie.

"Let them go Joker." Batman stood up to his full height and pulled out what must be a batarang from his belt. A chuckle erupted from the crazy man's throat. When he finally stopped laughing and looked up at the man in the cowl and smirked.

"Boys get him." The thugs immediately started firing off rounds at the Batman. There was suddenly smoke everywhere. Jessie tried to make a run for it but found herself being pulled by a strong hand around her neck. Joker and Harley made a quick get away dragging Jessie along with them. Jessie knew this might be her only chance to escape. She started kicking and scratching throwing her small hands around trying to find the soft junctures in the other's flesh. The more distance he put between her and Batman the harder she fought.

"Come on kiddo. We're almost there." She felt the all too familiar feel of a gold gun press against her head. They had pulled her into a shipping yard and were down dragging her to what looked like a small speed boat.

"Alright let's get going!" Harley said tossing Jessie in. She tried to scramble over to the railing hoping she would fling herself in the water but she wasn't fast enough. A goon had grabbed her by the legs and was now wrapping duct tape around her ankles. She thanked the lord for all her years of swimming practice as she was able to place a strong kick to his face with the heel of her shoe

"I can do this all night!" Jessie screamed trying her best to sound brave.

. "Ah shut up." She heard the Joker say. The next thing she knew she was smacked upside the head. She must have blacked out for the last precious moments of freedom because the next thing she could register was the figure of Batman standing on the dock. She looked around discreetly seeing if anyone had noticed she was awake. Then she took one last shot at freedom. Jessie pushed herself over the side of the boat and began swimming. She trusted Batman would cover her if they started shooting at her. It was a frantic mermaid kick and she tried to stay underwater for as long as possible not alerting Joker to her position. Her eyes burned from the water but she just kept swimming forward. She looked back and saw the boat rapidly approaching. As close as Jessie was to shore she knew she couldn't make it. She took a deep breath and called out to Batman on the docks.

"JESSIE LAWSON!" She screamed out into the open night. She felt strong hands pull her up into the boat and pin her down.

"Can you not stay put for one second!" Joker said angrily.

"It's fine Mista J. We can deal with it once we get back home." Harley said and held on to his arm. Looking back she shivered from the cold so see Batman standing there in anger. The goon was holding her arm rather tightly and tightened his grip when he noticed her looking back.

"Ow!" She glared at him only to get a glare back.

"You deserve it." He muttered.

Jessie looked down at her hands. They were cold and numb. She continued to look at them and felt her face grow hot and tears start to well up. She knew that she failed, Batman couldn't save her, she knew she would be trapped forever and her life was in the hands of crazy people, and her mother oh her mother must be worried sick.

"Mom..." She whispered and let the tears run. She cried and let her emotions run wild. She was crying and gasping for air and the thought of her mom made her cry even more. Suddenly she felt a pair of loving arms around her giving her warmth and comfort. In all her hysteria Jessie wasn't thinking clearly and leaned into the person. Slowly she was able to gain her breath back calm down. Her eyelids felt heavy and she felt drained of energy. Falling asleep she heard someone say something.

"It's okay hon. We're almost home"


And this special thanks goes to...*Drum Roll*... "Iamarkhamasylum"!... Like it does every week... it doesn't matter because their my best friend and editor so yea!

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