The After Party

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    Jessie sat on the back of an ambulance among the scene of emergency vehicles that littered Wayne Plaza. She was wrapped in a black blanket that she had been told was to help with shock however, it didn't stop her from staring off into space trying to comprehend what had just happened. Her mother stood next to her rubbing her back soothingly. She silently stared at the firemen as they took Harley down from the side of the building. Deep in the pit of her stomach she had a hate for her. One part for the events of tonight two parts because she had thought her kind. How could she be so naive? She had grown up in Gotham. She had seen her face plaster thousands of times across billboards and newspapers. She should have recognized her right away. Maybe then everyone would be safe.

"Ma'am? Ma'am are you alright?" The police officer asked trying to get her attention. Jessie shook her head to clear her thoughts before answering. "Uh, yeah. Can you repeat the question?" She asked and focused on the officer.

"Just tell me what happened tonight?" The officer pulled out a notepad and pencil waiting for her to start her story.

"Ah..." She paused to gather her thoughts. Tears welled up in her eyes and she couldn't seem to blink them away. "Mom can you go first please." She whispered and squeezed her mother's hand.

"Of course honey. They came in through the front..." Her mother went through her part of the story telling everything she could remember while Jessie was trying to piece together what she could but at certain parts it was blurry and her head was still in pain and was throbbing a bit. Worst of all she was crying for no reason and all she really wanted to do was go home and put on sweatpants. When it was her turn she slowly started to form her story which turns into an endless stream of words somewhat resembling a wattpad fanfic. While talking she looked back to the entrance of the Wayne Tower where the party was held. She saw two paramedics roll out a stretcher with a victim of the laughing gas being rolled out. She stops mid sentence. "Are they going to be alright? Will they live?" She asks. The officer glances to where she is looking and sighs a deep sigh. "It's hard to tell. Every case is different with that vile stuff. Some people pull through others... not so much."

Jessie turned back to finish giving her story to the cop when lights blind her eyes. A car speeds into the parking lot and she sees someone jump out of the vehicle. They start walking towards her and stop just behind the cop.

"Gordon what's the situation here?" Batman had finally become clear to Jessie and she felt a little intimidated by standing next to him but it was still nice to see the defender of the city.

"Nothing good. We got five casualties so far and that's not including the ones sprayed with gas. That stuffs worse than anything Crane comes up with." He shakes his head. "I take it Joker got away?"

"He disappeared in the Falcone shipping yard in Kingston. I have someone looking into the containers stored there right now. Who knows what that maniac is up too. Keep an eye on Harley. No doubt he'll be looking for her." He finished with a frown before taking a look at Jessie.

"What you did was brave. I will make sure he is captured." Is all he said to her before turning away quickly letting his cape whip around him making a dramatic exit. She whispers a silent, "He is so cool," under her breath.

"I know right." Her mom whispers back to her giggling. Gordon turns back to them when he is interrupted by a tall blonde man wearing the insignia of Arkham on his uniform. He is followed by the same girl with intricate hair who was talking to Harley before the whole disaster.

"He's not in Arkham or Blackgate. We are currently checking The Bowery and all Gotham Metro lines." The man says to Gordon.

"Good. I'm just glad that he didn't take any hostages. We don't want a repeat of... well last time someone got taken." The Commissioner says tiredly. "Also, Harley is scheduled to be moved to Arkham at 03:00 this morning so make sure Elizabeth bridge is clear." The two nod and move away. "You two are free to leave when you get cleared by the paramedics. For now try to stick to Miagani Island and don't go out after dark. No one is safe with that maniac loose. He smiles at them and then leaves to go help control the situation.

"Mom." Jessie turns to her mother. " Can we go home?" She whined.

"I was thinking that exact same thing." Her mother said.


Boop ba doop, Special thanks to "Iamarkhamasylum" for being my editor.

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