Human After All

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Jessie sat in the car a reveled in the peace a quiet that had been vacant from her for the past ..hours? Days? She had no clue how much time she had lost to that room.

Observation: She didn't know what day it was.

Objective: Find out how much time she lost.

It had to be more that a day though, that she was sure of. She was smashed in between a rather muscular henchman and Harley. The former who kept petting Jessie's dirty and sweat ridden hair rambling on about something or another. Jessie found she couldn't focus on the words that were coming out of her mouth. She was able to see a sliver of the windshield and she stared at it almost forgetting to blink. Looking out the window Jessie observed the darkened corrupted world she lived in. The toxins were still strong in her system and she still was on edge.

"Earth to Jess!" There was a hand waving in front of her window. She blinked a couple times. "How are you feeling?"

Observation: Someone was talking to here.

Response: Respond back.

"Sorry. I am feeling fine, thank you." She stated.

Conclusion: Subject, verb, adjective, courtesy. She made a sentence.

"It's alright." Harley smiled and hugged her. Jessie hugged back. When someone hugs you, you hug them back. Courtsey. She set her hands back down into her space. She should not take up more space than necessary. Courtsey. She looked down at her hands. She felt as if something was wrong as if something wasn't correct about them.

Observation: Her hands were shaking.

Conclusion: She was scared.

Response: Do not be scared.

Jessie started to laugh. You don't laugh when you are scared. Jessie can make herself be happy. The smallest of giggles erupted from her lips earning the attention of the others in the vehicle. She smiled. When people look at you, you smile. Courtsey.

"Well kid, I am glad you are feeling better. You and I can play around in the training room. Mistah' J has some things to take care of." Jessie nodded to show she understand what Harley said.

"That sounds excellent. Thank you." She smiled to show her gratitude. Courtsey. The van cam to a sudden halt.

Observation: They had stopped.

Conclusion: They had arrived.

Response: Exit and proceed to the training room.

Jessie walked in sync with the other henchmen into the run down hotel. As she entered she observed that the decor of the hotel had changed. She was unsure about her feelings about the purple decor being intertwined with the white. She walked in and spun around enjoying the new scenery. The teen couldn't help but smile. With the new colors it felt like home. Courtsey.

"I see you enjoy the new colors." Harley walked in while the girl faced her and nodded. "Me and the girls did this while you were away and Puddin was dealing with some boys." She walked in and admired her work.

"Boys?" Her observations showed that no boys worked for Joker. The youngest member was a man in his late twenties.

"Yeah. Those urchins were trying to break into some of our buildings." She shrugged and sounded like she didn't really care.

Observation: Harley was trying to undermine her statement of torture.

Conclusion: She wanted Jessie to question further.

"Where are they located?" Jessie asked. Harley smiled. It seemed Jessie had observed right. She wanted her to ask.

"Want to go see the action." Jessie nodded. Not because she wanted to witness the torture but because Harley did. Courtsey. Harley then grabbed Jessie's hand and began pulling her threw the building. As she walked towards her destination she heard Joker's laughing and the screams of fear. Jessie noted that the torture had already started. Once inside the room she saw Joker in the center holding a baseball bat hunched over boy laughing. Jessie knew she needed to stay back unnoticed. Courtsey.

Then she saw who was on the floor.

Her feet slowly lead her forward until she was just behind Joker. She saw a clear view of the boy's face. She inhaled sharply as she looked down on Jimmy. He looked up at her and his eyes widened as much as they could. One looked as if it were strained. The Joker simply threw his arms round Jessie as she stared down to Jimmy at her feet.

"Why don't you take over, Jess." He tried to press the bat into her hands but they were clenched together at her sides. She was unable to move.

Observation: Jimmy was breathing

Conclusion: He was alive

Response: Get him out alive.

"Why don't you take over." He repeated again. Each word was spat out like spoiled food. He backed away from her and looked at her expectantly, as if she was supposed to be doing a practiced skill. "WHY DON'T YOU BEAT HIM TO A BLOODY PULP JESSIE!" All calm was lost in that moment and if Jessie had any more fear left in her she would have been scared.

"Jessie." Jimmy looked up. He spoke to her between his blood stained teeth. "Don't. Please." His body was then overtaken by coughs as he violently rejected the blood that was sitting in his stomach or lungs.

"Why don't you beat him Jessie." Joker held at the bat to her. She found herself taking the bat in her hands. Yes take it. Just like that. Grip it tight. NOW SWING. A voice was talking in her head. It seemed automated as if she was a robot and this was nothing but code talking to her. The voice could tell Jessie was struggling. It made her look down at Jimmy's broken body. He caused you so much pain anyways what's the problem? She followed the voices instructions. She gripped the bat tight and raised it above her head. Another voice began speaking to her. Somewhere from deep inside her psyche it screamed, STOP STOP! You don't have to follow any orders. Letting go of the bat Jessie grabbed her head. A throbbing started as the voices began to become angry at one another as if Jessie was just the apartment building that housed the noise tenants. JUST DO IT! The first one screamed . Think yourself out of this one, you know you can! The calmer one reasoned. Make him unable to walk when you're done with him. The angry one screamed into her brain.

"Then let's let him walk." Jessie spoke softly. The people around the room stepped forward to hear her soft words. "Just like this, a walking message." She had to appease the voice though. It was pounding against her skull. She kicked at his ribs and as his shrills emitted in the air it retreated back into her brain. "This will let them all know not to mess with us." Joker raised his eyebrows. Then he started with the laugh.

"That's smart kid!." He came up wrapping an arm around her again. "It looks like the good doctor really made you apart of this family, and I didn't even have to deal with that short stack Hatter." He laughs hunching over. "Boys you heard the girl! Send him away. Make sure everyone knows what will happen if anything ever happens like this again." With that he began to pull her away and back into the hall. "Now that I know you really are one of us. Why don't you come on a heist with us!" He asked.

'Yes!' The voice said. "Yes!" Jessie said suddenly. Joker smiled clapping his hands together. Jessie didn't know why she said yes. 'Why don't you want to go on a heist? He asked, and when someone asks you to go somewhere you should go with them.'



I had to think about it for a moment but the title "Iamarkhamasylum" came up with worked really well. Thank you for the help.

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