Your Part in the Play.

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When the girls came home they were greeted by a Joker yelling. "No you will do what I tell you because I'm the boss." Jessie put her hate in her eyes and just kept walking forward. She even linked her arm with Harley as they walked toward Joker's voice. They entered into a large ballroom. In the center of the room Joker stood holding a crowbar over a terrified person.

"Puddin!" Harley called out happily and walked over to Joker.

"WHAT DO YOU- Oh! Hello Harley! Jessie! Why don't you look wonderful." He stepped towards her still holding the bloody crowbar. "Give Daddy a twirl!" Jessie did her best to spin around without having the dress fly up and flash everybody in the room. She also tried not to vomit slightly from the fact that a homicidal thirty year old was checking her out.

A smile crossed his face, "Now that you are officially part of the family! I'll show you how to have a good time." He laughed and pulled Jessie over to the person in the middle of the room. " I know you might be upset being away from your other mom but it's not too bad here." He then gestured towards the trembling man on the ground. "Now you see, little old Jarry here owes me some money." He glared at him. "He tried to skip town on pay day and I didn't like that." He then pulled Jessie closer to him and put the crowbar into her hands. "So, we decided to deal with our problems like real men and he's having the time of his life." He laughed. "Go ahead whack away! Let whatever emotions are making you upset out on Jarry here." He laughed and took a step back. Jessie stood there terrified. She didn't want to beat up some stranger for no reason. She felt the blood in her veins run cold. This was not part of her plan. She did not ACTUALLY want to be like them. Only pretend to.

"Well? Come on we don't got all day." Joker placed his hands on his hips when Jessie didn't move. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Jessie gripped the crow bar very tight and took a deep breath. She looked down on the man on the floor. He was curled up into the fetal position on the floor and was emitting soft whimpers. Jessie took a deep breath and swung. She kept hitting and hitting and swinging until finally she pulled the bar back and it slipped out of her hands and flew across the room. She stood there looking down at her mess.

Joker started laughing.

"I don't know how you did it!" He said in between cackles. "But you managed not to hit him! Not even once! That has to be a new record. Carlos." He snapped his fingers at one thug. "Make that a new record in our books. Twenty one swings and not a single one lands, except to the poor floor of course." Joker sashes his way over to her grabbing the crowbar as he approaches. He stands behind her and starts rubbing her shoulders like a boxer before a big game. "I got it. You're just nervous because you don't have much experience in my field of work." He smiled and grabbed Jessie's hands pressing the crow bar once more into her hands and started to swing her arms back and forth as if he was a father teaching his kid how to play baseball. Jessie could anticipate what was coming next. "You just gotta put a little more swing into it, darling." Jessie was thinking as fast as she possibly could to get herself out of this situation.

'"But Daddy!" Play the part Jessie. It's just a role. She is part of a play. "My arms are tired. Can I try again tomorrow." She'll just have to dig herself out of that hole tomorrow. Maybe, she can not like the sound or getting dirty. Joker sighed.

"Alright then. Since you asked so nicely. Run along. I'll finish here." Jessie gave a parting look of sorrow to the man before walking as fast as she though socially acceptable towards the door. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she made a beeline for the door and down the halls to her room. Joker and Harley watched her run. Harley made a step to go and follow her. All motherly like to check on her little duckling but Joker held up his hand and stopped her. They would stay and let the glory seep in. He thought he broke her and was winning the game of cat and mouse with this girl. She knew he was winning as well but she wouldn't give it and Joker always loved a good game. He chuckled and turned to his men. The screams of the man started up as she shut the door behind her. She started walking down the hallway when she realised she and no idea where she was going. They had just let her leave. No escort, no babysitter, no nothing. She was totally and completely alone. It was almost as if she could just walk out the front door and no one would know.

No one would know.

Jessie began walking down the hallway. She strode carefully down the carpet hallways looking around and listening more carefully than during any class she had ever taken. She finally found a flight of stairs and she followed the loop all the way down to the bottom. She pushed out of the finally door and into a back alley. She ran down the shadowed street and into the mid morning air. The sun shone on her for the first time in day? Weeks? Months? She took in a deep breath and set a foot out in the street when everything went dark.


Woot! Cliff hanger! What while happen? Who will know? But what I do know is that I have to thank  "Iamarkhamasylum" for being my awesome friend and editor.

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