New Rules

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Jessie lost track of time as she sat in that cold cell. She was starving, in pain, and smelled absolutely horrid but she was not going to give up. While she festered in her own filth she also festered in her anger. She had become a ticking time bomb ready to destroy whoever opened that door. Over the past few days she head heard a lot yelling and shuffling of things. She rubbed her bruised knuckles on the cold concrete letting herself get used to the pain. Jessie had no more tears to cry and felt numb. She felt numb of everything, the world, her feelings, thoughts, and her body. In her mind very little could possibly make her get up and move. The heard the door creak open and felt her body stiffen. This time not with fear but with determination.

"Aren't you pathetic. " She looked over her shoulder to see the man she hated with all her being. She stood up slowly, careful not to let all the blood flow out of her head. She stood as confident as she could looking at his silhouette in the door frame. He stepped into the room followed by several thugs. At least he knew to bring back up this time. Jessie loosened slightly knowing she couldn't take on five guys at once. Especially now that she has lost her scissors.

"What nothing to say?" He smirked. If she had anything to say to him it would be rude and probably earn her another beating. She just shrugged one should. Carelessly, like she couldn't even put in the effort to use both shoulders. Secretly, she didn't trust her voice. It was so scratchy and raw she would sound like a teenage boy going through puberty. He grabbed her bruised wrist and pulled her forward towards him causing her to wince. "Let's get moving then" He pulled her out of the room and down the hall with an iron grip on her wrist. She pulled up quickly then back down. Her time alone had given her a chance to stew over every fighting game, action movie, and self defence class she had ever seen allowing her to think of moves to throw people off of her. He growled.

"I can walk by myself." Her voice did sound horrible and very soft and scratchy, she hated it and the way it made her throat feel.

"I'm sure you can, but at the moment you aren't of my best side so be quiet." He said in a demanding voice. Jessie just clenched her teeth and kept her eyes forward.

"Will you give me the courtesy of knowing where we are going? " Jessie asked as they started walking the familiar route towards the parking garage.

"So now you want to talk?" Joker said sarcastic. "You're having a check-up with the good doctor." He said right before she was shoved into the back of a van.With the doors slammed shut and her in the back of a van with two thugs she was left to her own thoughts. She knew now was her chance to muster up all the courage, calmness and strength she could. She had a feeling she would need it.

The car ride wasn't nearly as long as she would have liked it to be. All to soon two thugs grabed her ruffly by the arms and pulled up. She tried to get out of their grip, insisting that she could walk for herself. They only smirked and carried her out to a gross old building that should not in any means be used for medical practices. Jessie didn't know what kind of doctors wanted criminals went to but they really need to up their standards. The thugs dragged her up and to the front door, barely letting her toes touch the ground. She had to admit she felt pretty kick ass being treated like a highly dangerous threat. They dropped her when they reached the door and she did her best to brush herself off. One thug banged on the door. Another thug pace his hand on her shoulder

"Harley wanted you to know she-" Jessie jerked her shoulder away. "Don't touch me." She said. The door suddenly opened again and there stood a man clad in a long scraggly coat and an almost militaristic looking vest. He was wearing a half gas mask and his eyes were a terrifying shade of brown. Jessie's gaze slide past him and into the building where she saw a dentist chair featuring restraints, a tray of needles, and what look like gas canisters.

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