Mr. Hero of The Day

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    Jessie had had a rather normal start of her school day. She went through the motions like an actor. She smiled at her friends. She put her books in her locker. She raised her hand when she knew the answer. She blamed the sudden cringes of pain on nothing more than period cramps. She did not mention the Wayne party. She did not mention meeting the Joker. She did not mention the terror that was building up inside of her. She was going to be okay. Jessie walked to her government class and took her seat quickly. She unloaded her backpack and sat patiently waiting for class to start. She took deep breaths and tried to remain calm every time someone walked through the door. A flash of purple or a hint of green sent her heartbeat skyrocketing. As the thirteen person entered, she counted she was ready to have a goddamn break down. How come so many people were wearing green today? Was there a memo she missed? However all there was, was heather grey pulled over strong shoulders. It was Connor. She smiled as he came in but quickly blushed and looked away when he smiled back.

"Hey Jess!" Connor called out and stood beside her. "Spot taken?" He asked pointing to the seat next to her. "Not anymore! Ah. I mean unless you don't want to sit there.. which you can because.. no one was sitting there... " Jessie just stopped talking and let her blush climb up her face silently cursing every god in existence for her terrible social skills.Conner just smiled and shook his head slowly taking the seat. They sat quietly listening to the mindless chatter of their fellow classmates. Finally Mr. Bates came in, his presence quieting the class.

"Alright kids. You know what today is. Presentations!" The class groaned in unison. "Come on, now you can't get homework because there is no lesson. Anyway, onto our topic of today, 'Event's the influence Gotham's government'." Mr. Bates smiled as he sat down at his desk in the back of the room.

"I hope you all had a good weekend. Is anyone missing today..." Mr. Bates went on to take roll call and berate people for not turning in their homework. "Alright let's get started shall we! Sam you are up!" Mr. Bates said casually while looking at the roster. Slowly Sam walked up holding on to her paper for dear life.

"I- ah I'm doing my report on... um," she fidgeted, "Ah I know this is um.... I'm doing my paper on the Wayne murder."

'"Oh wow. How original." Someone muttered on Jessie's left. Sam finally started to spit out the infamous story. No one really payed attention. Slowly Jessie's classmates were called up and Jessie felt her pain killers starting to wear off. She tried to concentrate on not passing out on the floor from the pain shooting up her side.

"Jessie! You are up." Jessie opens her binder to pull out her note cards. She stands and begins to head to the front of the room.

"Break a leg." Conner said as she passed him. A warm feeling spreads through her that slowly melts away the pain. She stood before the class ignore the throbbing in her head, her side, her left elbow, her clavicle. It was basically everywhere. She took a deep breath and was about to start her less than interesting presentation on the deinstitutionalization of Arkham Asylum in the 1960's leading to a power struggle for the mental health sector in Gotham when some kid in the back of the class spoke up.

"Hey aren't you that girl who went to the Wayne party?" They asked. Mr. Bates spoke up inresponse.

"Jimmy, now is not the time to discuss Miss Lawson's representation of our school on Friday."

"Didn't you hear what happened? She stood up to the Joker. Like THE Joker!" He said with a shit eating smirk plastered over his face. A small wave of panic rushed over her at the mention of the villain.

"I- uh yeah." She stuttered and felt another wave of pain in her head.

"Yea! And you stopped him didn't you? You stopped the Joker." He yelled from across the room.

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