The Last Stand

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Jessie woke up to the left side of her head feeling like fire. Pushing herself up off the ground she looked at her surroundings. She was back in the room with the boarded up room. Well, shit. Panic filled the girl's chest and she reached for her father's ring but it wasn't there. Jessie spun around looking on the ground for her ring.

"Looking for something?" A voice asked behind her. Spinning around Jessie saw Joker sitting in the corner playing with something in his hands. "Did you really think you could get away from me?" He looked up at her and stood. He began walking towards her. "You really think you can get away from all of this?" He gestured to the room and then himself. As he walked towards her Jessie was walking away from him. Joker suddenly sped up and grabbed Jessie's neck pinning her to the wall. She grabbed his hand and tried to pull it away.

"Let me go!" She demanded.

"You're not in the best position right now girly so, I think you need to listen to me." He glared at her and held a ring between two of his fingers. "Or you'll end up like pops." Her eyes widened and she reached out for it.

"Give that back that's my-" He added pressure to her neck making her gasp. "S-stop."She used one hand to claw at his and the other trying to get the ring. He started laughing.

"Wow! You know, I thought you would have learned from pops about when to stop and listen to the boss." Jessie glared at him and spoke up.

"Y-you don't c-ontrol me." Jessie felt slightly light headed but continued to fight back.

"HA! You know who said the exact thing? Your dad before I stuck a bomb on his chest. HA!" He through his head up. "If you're so much like him you won't need this." He smiled at her and through his hand back releasing the ring.

"No!' She screamed and started kicking trying to get out of his grip. She watched in horror and the ring rolled toward a vent. Jessie had to save that ring, lifting her foot up she let her heel slam into his knee causing him to drop her. Scrambling to her feet Jessie runs to the ring but it's too late it already rolled down the vent by the time she reached it. Jessie sat on her knees and hunched over the vent and hung her head in shame. Joker burst out in laughter. "I'm sorry kid but you know bad things happen sometimes." He kept laughing and Jessie looked up and glared at him. Standing up she balled up her fist and turned to him.

"Are you upset you lost a piece of metal that was the only thing you had left to remember your father. How pathetic." He glared at her. He was mocking her and Jessie was not going to stand any more and accept this. Running forward, Jessie swung her fist at his jaw and managed to hit him. Her chest was rising up and down in anger as she took deep breaths and prepared to hit Joker again.

"You don't talk about my family that way." She said through clenched teeth and swung again. Joker grabbed her fist and frowned. "Jessie, Jessie, Jessie." He tsked and shoved her away from him. Jessie fell the the floor and growled at Joker. "You're going to regret that." He replied and started towards her. Jessie raised her leg and kicked him at the last second and crawled away from him. He grabbed her ankle and pulled her back. "You little brat." He raised his fist and swung down on her. She let out a yelp but fought back. Then Jessie remembered her scissors. She felt down her dress and pulled them out wielding them like a sword.

"You can not break me, I won't let you." Jessie said. She lunged forward plunging the scissors deep into the Joker's chest. She yanked them back out and slams them back down into his shoulder. She looked him dead in the eyes. "You have no power over me." Fuck, the play, fuck her part. She was going down fighting. She was not going to keel over and let some murdering psychopaths play dress up with her while killing people in the next moment. She was going to go big and she was going to go home. Joker head butts her and she sees everything go blurry and she stumbles back. She falls to the floor and hears the click of the door locking and rolled onto her side. Taking a deep breath Jessie felt tears roll down her cheeks. She was beyond angry and was now ready to kick, bite and claw her way out of here. 


Thank you to my editor "Iamarkhamasylum", threw all the jokes, yelling, and cringing some how we got this far. More is to come but you already know that.

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