Defend What You Love or Die Trying

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!!Warning!! This chapter has some mature content.  Please be cautious while reading.


It was at this moment Jessie burst threw the crowd of people screaming, "LEAVE MY MOM ALONE!" It was the only thing she could think of to try and get everyone out of her way. It worked a little better than she wanted. Everyone stepped back from her afraid they might be affiliated with these people. Scared she spun around looking at every one.

"Jessie. Stay back. This is not your fight. Stay out of th-." She was cut off when the clown held up his hand and began laughing.

"Ah mother like daughter." He gave a low chuckle.

"You leave her alone!" Jessie's mother demanded sternly.

"Ah ah ah!" He smiled waving his finger in her face. "I call the shots. You should just relax and enjoy the show." He snapped his fingers and two men came and grabbed the older woman.

"Mom!" Jessie rushed forward to try and get to her mother. "Let my mom go." She began pulling on her mother, helpless to do anything against the thugs strength.

"Jessie stop. This is not your fight." Her mother looked at her with a soft face. Slowly it began to melt into fear. "Jessie get out of here. Run!" Her mother screamed at her. Turning around Jessie saw The Joker right behind her a knife in his hand. She attempted to make a getaway but it was all in vain. A hand grabbed her neck and gave a sharp tug back forcing her to the ground. Having no time to think Jessie fell to the ground with great force and hit her head on the polished floor.

"Where do you think your going Jessie?" He said her name sickly sickeningly sweet way that made her stomach tie up in knots. With her vision still slightly blurred she scrambled against the floor to get to her mother, to get away, to get anywhere that wasn't here. Again it was another attempt in vain. He had stepped on her dress and grabbed her hair pulling her back towards him. He jerked her head up forcing her to look up at him. "Aw, do you want to go back to your mommy?" He said in a whiny voice before smiling. "Mommy is currently busy at the moment but good old Uncle J is here!" He let out one laugh before throwing her head back to the ground. She manages to stop the brunt of the impact with her hands to spare herself from the brain damage that would have surely came.

Before she could even process another thought the clown kicked her in the ribs. It was like nothing she had even felt before. A searing pain shot through her as the air left her lungs and she collapsed to the floor. She let out a grunt as she fell over from the force. She didn't even try to get back up before another strong kick went to her rib cage.

"Jessie!" She heard her mother scream. She tried to get her knees up, her hands down, her chest covered, anything to help absorb the shock from the blows that just kept coming. Even in pain she took no time to start crawling away. This caused him and his men to start laughing hysterically at her fruitless efforts. 'Why isn't anyone helping me?" She wondered as tears filled the corners of her eyes. She didn't want to move, it hurt to much but she knew it would hurt more if she stayed in place so she knew she had to keep moving.

"Oh Jessie, you put on a good show." Joker laughed. He was right next to her. She just could seem to escape. Panic filled her chest as she looked over. There he was swinging his leg back to kick her again. She closed her eyes waiting for the impacted but instead she heard glass shatter and a grunt from one of the thugs as he fell to the ground. She was pulled up from the ground by surprisingly strong arms and a knife pressed against her neck.

"Well, Bats it's about time you showed up. The party was so dull without you. Jessie here got everyone warmed up from you though" Her cheek was pinched as she opened her eyes. In front of her was THE BATMAN. Her fear left her suddenly as if she were already safe back at home. Batman is a fighting machine, who she noted was extremely scarier in person.

"Let. The. Girl. Go." Batman commanded. He started walking forward but Joker stepped back and 'Tsked' at him.

"Ah ah ah Bats, take one more step and the only place Jessie here will be going is to the pearly gates." He chuckled and continued to back up until he was by a broken window.

"You have one chance Joker. Let her go." Batman said. He was calm and calculated and made her feel reassured about her living through the whole affair. Right as Joker opened his mouth to retaliate Jessie kicked her leg back and stabbed her high heel into his knee cap. He let out a grunt of pain and she tried to break loose from his grip.

"MISTA J!" Harley screamed and ran to the aid of her lover. "You terrible girl how dare you." Jessie, who had managed to get away from Joker's grasp now found slim hands clenched tightly around her throat. Joker grabbed the back of her dress and pulled her out of the frying pan and into the fire.

"This sure is heating up but I've got to go Bat's, you know, places to go, people to kill." Jessie, Harley and the Joker were now all crowded against the broken window. "Hm. You know I'll give you a choice." He smirked. Leaning forward he kicked back forcing Harley out the window. "PUUUUDIN!" She screamed as she fell. Batman rushed forward diving out the window to save Harley.

"I'll be seeing you soon." The words crawled into her ear as the Joker dropped Jessie and made his getaway. His crew and him rushed through the main doors with as much speed as they had entered.

Supporting herself on her hands and knees Jessie shook like a leaf. Jessie was numb with fear and it continued to build up until she couldn't handle it. She let out a scream not knowing what else to do. Her mother had finally come to her daughter's aid and hugged her and worked on calming her child. Other guest were checking on each other, calling police, and checking on her or watching out the window as Batman ran after Joker leaving Harley hanging on the side of the building.


Special thanks too "Iamarkhamasylum" for being my my editor and Bringing this chapter to its full potential. 

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