The Party Bus

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The Universe eventually regressed to the mean. A month passed by quickly leaving behind a trail of days she couldn't remember because they had turned back to normal. The bruises were gone, the nightmares were lingering and her mother had returned to work like normal. They had both bushed the horrible memory of the party to the back of the their minds. After she had ran out of government class she faced little spotlight about her meeting with the Joker. Jessie still got questions of course, most by less than kind people, but not as many. With Gotham being a rough and tumble place the excitement of such an event wears off. Jessie walked out of her creative writing class on the fifth Friday since the party. She went to her locker and quickly shoved all of her stuff in her bag hoping to avoid the rush of people going to their lockers. Gathering all her stuff she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She quickly opened it up to her text messages and saw one from her mother.

"Hey Jessie. Had to leave work early. Looks like I caught the flu. :( See you after school." Jessie frowned and replied asking if her mother wanted her to pick up anything after school. They hadn't grocery shopped since last Sunday and would be low on the get well necessities. She bundled her coat around her and stepped out into the cold Gotham air. She walked quickly home anxious to see her mother. She arrived in half the time and bounded up the stairs to their apartment. Slamming the door behind her she shouted up the stairs.

"Mom! I'm home!" She shouted into the house kicking her shoes off.

"I'm in here!" She heard her mother call from their living room. Walking into the living room she saw her mother sitting their looking like a mess.

"Mom! What are you doing out here. You look like death. Go take a nap or something!" Jessie said sitting down on the chair across from her mother. Her mother smiled and sat up.

"I know, I know. I just got tired of laying in bed all day. Thought I would change it up. Besides, I want to hear about your day. How did the math quiz go?" Jessie made small talk with her mother about her day. She filled her in on all the latest gossip about Jenny getting dumped by Kevin for Diana and how Tracy didn't want to sit at their table in English anymore because she fell out with Karla. As she was launching into the latest new of Tyler getting suspended she heard her mother groan in pain.

"Mom. You seriously need to go lay in bed." She and her mother had a stare off before Jessie's mother gave in.

"Fine." Jessie smiled as went over to help her sickly mother up the stairs and into her bed. She made sure her mother had a full glass of water and comfortable pillow before heading to her room. She pulled her homework out of her backpack and got to work on her English essay. Time flew by faster then she thought because before long she felt her stomach rumble. She stopped her work and walked to her fridge only to find it empty of anything appetizing to eat.

"I knew we wouldn't have anything." She muttered to no one in particular. She stopped and looked around. Her eyes landed on a sheet of paper with the list of groceries. She looked it over before she folded it up and shoved it in her pocket. She ripped out a piece of binder paper from her chemistry notebook and scribbled a note down.

Went food shopping. Don't die. :)

She smiled as she placed the note by her mother's bed side. Before leaving she checked her purse for her phone, subway pass, and money. She left the house and headed down to the nearest subway station. It was only a few stops to their favourite grocery store and she was sure she could make it their and back before her mother even noticed she was gone. She loved that store it was small enough and affordable enough for the family of two to get all of their necessities for living. She smiled as she walked in and heard the familiar jingle from the bell as someone entered. She quickly went up and down the aisles and gathered the items on the list. She went with her basket and joined the line for the check out. Her eyes wandered around the store as she waited and she noticed some shady characters. This was Gotham after all.

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