Chapter 1

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Hi before you start reading I just wanted to let you guys know that I have exams at the moment so I won't be able to update regulary for a week. After that it should be almost dayly. You wondering why I start it now nd not in a week? Well I'm cruel and like to keep you hanging with a cliffhanger, no but seriously I just wanted to give you guys an idea of what kind of cray shit I'm planning. Use that week to make me think otherwise if you don't like it already!

Secodly this is a sequel to Battle scars. If you haven't read that one yet I suggest you go do so, well you could also just start reading this one but yeah you get the point.

And third I hope you like it see ya laterz xx

It's been over 4 months since we last saw Seto. I haven't seen him in 'halucinions' either, which is good. Me and Jerome finally got time to go on dates togheter and it finally felt like we're acually in a relationship and he's not just my babysiter. I started youtube again and gave my viewers an explanation of why I was gone. Ofcourse not the real one otherwise someone would have called a doctor and made me go to some sort of mental hospital. I lost quite alot of subs over the time I was out but I'm sure I'll win them back eventually.

"Mitch! Are you ready?" Jerome yelled from downstairs. I smiled putting my tie correctly and running downstairs. Jerome was already standing next to the door keys in hand. He looked amazing. He was wearing the same tux as I am, black with a red tie.

"I'm ready." I say smiling at him.

"Good we can't be late for Adam's wedding can we?" He smirked.

"No we can't he'll kill us mostly me though." I say stepping outside. Me and Adam just recently got on good terms again and he was generous enough to let me come to his wedding, I'm not gonne test his gernerousity yet.

"Propably, but I won't let him kill you." Jerome says wrapping an arms around we as we walk to the car.

"Not without me atleast." He says kissing my temple before letting go of me and walking to the drivers side of the car. I got in the passengerseat.

"You have so muh to live for Jerome." I say in an over dramatic voice. We had already had this discussion after we escaped Seto. He said that if I would have died he would have pissed of Seto so much he would kill him aswell and I got angry at him for wanting to do that.

"Not without you biggums." It wasn't that long to drive to the church but it did take a while so we just talked and sang along to the music, or like Jerome likes to say, we cleaned the pipes.

"We're here biggums." Jerome says getting out of the car. I really love how he calls me biggums and not babe or something it's more personal and, in my head atleast, means so much more. I followed Jerome kinda nervous on how Adam is gonna be. It's the first time we've seen eachother personal since what happend. Jerome wrapped his arm around me, propably to reassure me it'll be alright, as we walked up to Adam.

"Hey Adam!"

"Jerome!" Jerome let go of me to hug Adam.

"Congratulations dood."

"Thanks buddy." He then tured to me. We had this awkward moment where we just looked at eachother.

"Cograts dood, I'm really happy for you." I say, breaking the silence. He smiled and held out his hand. I shook it, guess this is the closest we're gonna be for now. He let go of my hand and Jerome's arm wrapped back around me.

"Thank Mitch. I see you two got a little closer over time." He says, more to Jerome then me, but I apreciate him trying, this must be very difficult for him. Jerome and Adam talked a bit more as I starred at the decorations. I really hope Jerome and I will marry like this one day. I smile and blush at the thought. After that we had to go take our seets. Alesa's dress was beautifull the ceremony was beautifull everything just seemed perfect. We hung out the ethire evening, I even got to hold mason for a bit. But everntually me and Jerome had to go back home. I felt weird when we arrived home like something was out of place.

"Jerome do you have this weird feeling something's not right?" I ask as we walk upstairs.

"I just wanna go to bed." He says walking in our bedroom, I follow but as soon as I step inside I black out. I wake up with a massive headache. I look to the side to see Jerome had covered himselve with the blanked in his sleep. I suddenly felt a pawish hand run over my leg. I scream and jump up pulling the covers away. There where Jerome is usually sleeping was now a hairy bear like thing that also sat up, propably awoken by m scream. I dropped the blanket in my hand feeling terrified.

"Why are you looking to scarred Mich? Is there a spider somewhere?" The thing asked in Jerome's voice.

"Who are you? What are you?" I asked still scarred.

"What are you talking about biggums? It's me Jerome!" He chuckled and then looked at his own hands/paws. He screamed falling off the bed.

"What hapend to me?!" He yelled running to the mirror looking at his furry face. All I could do was stand still and stare.

The battle continues (#Merome) sequel to battle scars (completed)Where stories live. Discover now