Chapter 15

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We got home without any trouble. My legs stayed like they should be. Seto is reading through books to find a solution for all problems and maybe even a cause for my fish side. The guys wanted to take a small break and decided to hang out in the backyard and play some basketball. I'm standing next to the pool out of the way so Jerome could take his shot. Lachlan was standing next to me a drink in hand. I have no idea what it is but it looks like some sort of cocktail. Preston took the ball next buy instead of throwing it at the ring he turned to Lachlan with a devilish smile.

"Lachlan! Think fast!" He yelled fake throwing the ball. Lachlan jumped, spilling his drink all over me in the proces.

"Damnit Lachlan, now my clothes are all sticky."

"I'm sorry Mitch." He had grabbed a towel and went to clean me off a bit but before I could I feel like my legs are pulled togheter and I can't stand up so I fall backwards into the pool. I resurface all the guys are standing at the edge of the pool. I look back to see my legs replaced by a tail again.

"What happend?" Jerome asked.

"I think water turns me. No I'm actually pretty sure." I say swimming to the edge.

"Maybe now that you're turned maybe we can figure out what you can do." Rob suggested.

"Sure why not." I say.

"They say a mermaid's kiss, in your case merman gives you the ability to breath under water. I want to see if that's true." Preston says. All eyes turn to Jerome.

"Fine." He says taking off his shirt and jeans before jumping in the water. He swam closer to me so that our chests where almost toutching.

"You ready?" I asked and he nodded. We went under water and I pulled him in for a kiss. The simple kiss turned slightly deeper, before I pulled away to take a breath which wasn't a problem for me but Jerome kicked on the bottom to push himselve up. I followed him. He was still panting when I resurfaced, so I helped him to the side there he pulled himselve out of the water and laying down on his back.

"Defenatly...doesn'" He panted.

"Sorry." I wispered.

"Why don't we test out how long I can stay under." I say going under water before they could reply. I'm just swimming in circles. Thinking. I could have killed Jerome. If I didn't pull away he would have drowned. I'll just stay here for a while, here I can't hurt anyone.

"He won't be up anytime soon." I vaguely heard Seto say. I give a quick glance in the direction it came from to see only Jerome sitting at the edge with Seto standing next to him.

"Just give him some time." He continued.

"What do you know about him? All you ever did was hurt him."

"I know and now that we're conected and I feel what he feels I relize how stupid I was for wanting that. He only wants the best for everyone especially you. He needs someone to pull him back up 'cause he'll pull himselve under by trying to be good for everyone. But sometimes you just need to give him some space to fight it himselve, to figure it out. That's all he wants."

"Sometimes what you want isn't what you need."

"You can't push him either." I then saw Seto leave while Jerome just sat there, watching me swim. I sighed and swam to the place he was sitting at. I'll have to face him eventually.

The battle continues (#Merome) sequel to battle scars (completed)Where stories live. Discover now