Chapter 3

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Jerome was sitting on the ground infront of me, his head leaning against my knees while I petted his head.

"So you just woke up like that?" Rob replied. I nodded.

"And he's still just the same?" Vikk asked.

"Jeez guys. I talk, I walk, I'm just Jerome, just with alot more fur." He says the last part in his typical funny voice.

"This will take some time to get used to." Preston said.

"I know but maybe if you guys can help us figure out what he is and how he became this. Maybe we can reverse it." I say. I heard Jerome purr as I unconsiously scratched behind his ear again.

"If you keep doing that I'm not sure he wants to change back." Lachlan joked. He was sitting next to me so he gave me a playfull punch to the shoulder.

"Aw Lachlan." I don't know what excatly happend but suddenly Jerome was standing between me and the guys growling at Lachlan. Lachlan backed away as he saw Jerome's canines.

"Jerome what are you doing?" I ask pulling him back. He stopped growling and sat between me and Lachlan holding me in his arms protectively and glaring at Lachlan. They all looked confused.

"What was that about?" I asked Jerome but he just kept glaring at Lachlan.

"What the hell mate?" Lachlan says still sounding pretty scarred.

"That's it!" Vikk suddenly yelled.

"What is?" Preston asked.

"Jerome sees Mitch as his Mate." We all just gave him a confused look, except for Jerome who was still glaring.

"Most animal spicies will always protect their mate no matter what." He continued. We gave him the 'oh that sounds logic' face and I made Jerome look at me.

"Jerome biggums. I'm fine Lachlan didn't hurt me we where just fooling around. You don't have to protect me from them." The look in his eyes softened.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and softly pecked his lips.

"I'm sure." He nodded and relaxed. Then looked down as he relized what exacty he had done.

"I'm sorry Lachlan I didn't know what I was doing." He says in a soft voice.

"It's fine mate. I'd do the same for Vikky if I was in your place." I'm really glad they are patient with him on this. I saw Vik blush and Jerome smiled. He wanted to pat Lachlan on his shoulder to say thanks but it kinda was harder then expected. Lachlan held his shoulder swearing through his gritted teeth.

"Remind me to never fight with you." He then said.

"I'm sorry." Jerome says for the millionth time in that minute. Eventually Lachlan was okay, he kept complaining from time to time but he never really ment it.

We still haven't found one specific thing on what Jerome is excatly but we found out he's several things combined. Like a bear, cat, monkey-ish, dog etc. So we started calling him a bacca. He really hates to be inside all day so I took him to the garden for some fresh air. We also learned he doesn't really like water. I'm just laying in the hammock as he walked up to me. He had been climbing up the side of the house with ease. I just hoped noone saw him do so.

"Can I join you?" He asked in a wisper as he softly kissed my lips.

"Ofcourse you can." He tried to get in but he was way heavier then before so we ended up on the ground with him laying on his back with me ontop of him.

"Didn't that hurt?" I asked him. We did fall out of the hammock.

"Not really." He just wrapped his arms around me and closed his eyes. He was only wearing shorts so I genty wove my fingers in the fur on his chest as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm really starting to like being a bacca." Jerome says, snuggling his snout in my hair.


"The way it feels when you pet me is amazing." He joked. I smiled aswell.

"I love you Jerome with or without fur." I felt him smile against my forehead, while he placed a soft kiss on it.

"I love you too Mitch."

I have an english exam tommorow :D what better way to practice then to write right? ;) so yeah see you all laterz xx

The battle continues (#Merome) sequel to battle scars (completed)Where stories live. Discover now