Band Names...

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To the Seven: If you guys were a band, what would your name be and what instruments would each of you play?

Frank- I'd play some sort of string instrument. I practised when I thought my dad was Apollo.

Hazel- I took piano lessons for like a week at one point...I enjoyed them.

Percy- I wouldn't mind electric guitar, but I'd prefer drums.

Piper- I like to sing.

Jason- She's a really good singer....she's just too modest to admit it.

Piper- Thanks Sparky...wait when have you heard me sing?

Percy- Busted!

Jason- Zip it Percy

Piper- Jason?

Jason- Can we talk about this some other time?

Piper- I don't really want to but fine.

Leo- I'll run the techno stuff. I'll make you guys sound funny!

Frank- This band is doomed...

Annabeth- I'll be band manager and keep you all in line.

Percy- Awww c'mon Wise Girl, you're not a bad singer yourself, and didn't you once say you knew how to play guitar and piano? Or you could write our music!!!

Annabeth- No.

Leo- OKAY, before she gets angry let's think of a band name, my vote goes to 'Leo and the Hotties'!!!

Piper- No! I'm in for 'The Half-Bloods'

Annabeth- We could keep it simple and say 'The 7'.

Leo- Really? No one wants 'Leo and the Hotties'?

Percy- I say 'Percy and the Pussycats'!!!

A/N: What band name do you guys think suits them? I like 'Percy and the Pussycats'!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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