Not My Type...

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Will- And I thought Octavian was bad. You're in desperate need of blood.

Nico- What? No I'm not.

Will- Sit on the stool. It'll be a quick fix, I promise.

Nico- No, I'm fine.

Will- I told you that underworld stuff literally drains you.

Nico- *scoffs* What do you know....

Will- Sit, Death Boy.

Nico- ...Fine

Will- Now, what kind of blood do you have?

Nico- What?

Will- You know, what's your type?

Percy- *from the other side of camp* IT AIN'T ME!!!

A/N: Hey, idk why I feel like doing "Not My Type" jokes, so the next few are gonna be those....btw, this book is almost at 3K!!!!!!!! Thanks sooooooooooo much!!!!

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