Suffering of the mortal parents

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The suffering of the mortal parents, of the Seven:

Frederick Chase: His daughter ran away.

Beryl Grace: Died in a car crash.

Esperenza Valdez: Died in a fire.

Tristan McLean: Kidnapped by Enceladas.

Maria Levesque: Died in an explosion.

Emily Zhang: Sacrificed her life to save comrades in war.

And finally, the one who suffered the most....

Sally Jackson: Married Gabe Ugliano.

A/N: This was by HarryPotterFan007. Thanks for it!!! For some reason, I can't dedicate the chapter, otherwise I would have....Thanks again!

If anyone else has any jokes or puns or quotes that they would like me to add in this, then DM me and I'll be sure to put it in

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