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Hey I got tagged by StillBelieving12 so I'm doing this!!!


1. Tag @ByunNari
2. Tag 7 people
3. Always post the rules

1. When was your first crush?

Um..........grade 5-6? Idk!

2. Single or taken?

Single as a pringle.

3. When was your first kiss?


4. Have you ever had your heart broken?


5. Do you have a crush at the moment?

No not really...

6. Would you like to be in a relationship?


7. What are you looking for in a partner?

Um...they should be caring and funny and a person who jokes around and stuff but can be serious when he needs to. Basically, like Percy Jackson.

8. Have you been in a relationship?


9. Describe the relationship you would like to have with your significant other?

I have no idea...

10. Have any song recommendations for Valentine's Day or just a heartwarming mood?

Can't think of any.

11. Have you ever been in love?

Yeah with food and Percy and myself! XD

12. Describe your perfect date

Um..........we go to the movies and watch a cartoon, messed up movie. Then we go on a long walk through the woods &/ or beach and in the end, we watch the sunset.

I know, really cheesy and stuff, but yeah, that would be it.

13. How to win your heart?

Just say amazing and nice things about me in front of people and I'm in love!

14. Send your wishes or anything nice?

Yeah, be yourself, not the person people want you to be. Do what you wanna do. Live like there's no tomorrow and love like there's no end.

I tag Find-a-way, ThatRandomGirl, WonderGypsy24, Unicornsaviour, _FadingStar_, carthyan_at_heart, -_GoddessofLove_-

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