When I'm 35..........

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What do you want to be when you're 35?

Annabeth- Obviously an architect.

Piper- Press will push for me to become an actress but I'm not sure of what I want to be.

Jason- Living in New Rome, training new demigods. To be funny, I could be a meteorologist.

Frank- An Olympic Archer. Though would it be cheating for me to compete in that?

Leo- Yes it would. But we would all want to watch you kick other countries' butts!!!

Frank- You know I'd be competing for Canada right?

Leo- No! Fine, then I'm sending the CHB Apollo campers to beat you!!!

Frank- C**p

Leo- Uh huh. And I wanna be Supreme Commander of the Universe!

Zeus- That's me, you petty boy.

Leo- Did he just call me pretty???

Annabeth- He called you petty, meaning dumb, ignoran--

Leo- I get it!!! Then I'll be Iron Man!

Piper- Idiot.

Hazel- I'll be living in New Rome. I don't think I can handle the modern world.

Percy- .......I just want to be alive....

A/N: LOL Percy......*sigh* That's why everyone loves him............................

I don't swear so I had to do...that...for Frank. You guys can probably guess what he said.........

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