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If you could be one famous person, dead or alive, who would you be?

Leo- Abraham Lincoln I'd be so tall! And who doesn't want a hot beard like that? Ladies love it!

Jason- I know who I'd be...

Piper- Jason Grace I will murder you if you say it!

Jason- Tristan Mc--

Frank- That's it, he's dead!

Hazel- Nice knowing you Jason!

Annabeth- Say hi to Cerberus for me!

Percy- Dam. Now we'll have to get a new Jason.

Annabeth- I hear Thalia is open for questing.

Leo- YEEESSS! And Jason won't be here to stop me from putting my Leo charm on his hot sister!

Thalia- Come near me and we'll have to find a 'Leo' replacement!

Annabeth- OK while Piper beats the c**p out of Jason, let's stay on topic! I want to be Mother Theresa!

Percy- I want to be president!

Thalia- NO.

Frank- Yikes.

Annabeth- Don't worry guys, I'll be Vice-President and keep him in line and not taking over the world.

Percy- S****t. You guys are no fun..

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