Percy Jackson vs Hercules

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Hercules- Yeah I'm a demigod, child of the Big Three.

Percy- Oh yeah? Me too

Hercules- Well, when I was just a baby, I strangled a snake with my bare hands

Percy- Ah, I know what you mean. My mom freaked out when I did that....

Hercules- I fought the Nemean Lion.

Percy- No way! Same! I was, what, fourteen?

Hercules- I've fought a hydra.

Percy- Dude same! Although I wouldn't have been able to have done it without Clarisse, but still...

Hercules- I hunted down Artemis' sacred deer.

Percy- Oh my friend did that. Chasing deer isn't really my thing though.

Hercules- Oh well...aahhh....I fought this massive boar once.

Percy- I think I fought its girlfriend! It was a couple of days before I fought Kronos.

Hercules- *sweats nervously* This one time, I had to clean this stable that hadn't been cleaned for thousands of years.

Percy- Riiiggghht, I heard a nymph helped you with that. I used my own powers. *raises eyebrow*

Hercules- I--

Percy- Dude, I could go all day.

Hercules- *flustered* I fought AMAZONS--

Percy- Been there,

Hercules- The minotaur--

Percy- Done that. I was twelve.

Hercules- I....uh....I've....been to the Underworld and back!

Percy- Man, I'm sooo sick of that place. Been there like four times!

Hercules- Well...I....*heavy breathing*

Percy- Well, we done here?

Hercules- *triumphant grin* I WAS OFFERED IMMORTALITY!

Percy- Yeah I turned mine down since I liked this girl.....

Hercules- *jumps into the River Styx*

Percy- *calls out* DONE THAT TOO!!!

I think it's pretty obvious who the winner is.....PERCY JACKSON!

A/N: Hey!! I haven't updated in a loooooonnnnng time! That's cause I went somewhere and wasn't able to, but from now on, I'll be sure to update every day or every two days!

Btw, Percy's ending line was not there, I added that myself, but everything else was from the internet.

Oh and I forgot to mention, THIS BOOK HAS 2.08K VIEWS AND ALMOST 300 VOTES!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!! LOVE Y'ALL!

Peace out, awesomeness out

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