Scareist glare of 'em all....

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To the Seven: Who has the scariest glare of the 7?

Frank- I do not. I tried glaring at my grandma and she laughed.

Hazel- I do not like glaring at people.

Piper- I've been told that my glare shows off my cool eyes and isn't that scary.

Leo- I don't glare! It causes wrinkles and I cannot tolerate wrinkles on this pretty face!!!

Frank- Not to mention you're too scrawny to be scary...

Leo- Man I can light on fire! Tell me that's not as scary as Hades!!!

Hazel- Valdez! Zhang! Be nicer to each other otherwise I'll do something worse than glare at you...

Piper- She's starting to sound like Coach.....

Gleeson Hedge- That's a good thing cupcake!

Percy- Your name is Gleeson? Did your Mama Goat hate you or something?

Gleeson Hedge- Shut up!!!

Jason- Everyone has told me my glare is scary.

Frank- I think Percy's is scarier.

Annabeth- Percy is as scary as a puppy.

Leo- You think that because he's never gotten angry at you!!! He's freakin' terrifying!!!

Hazel- Percy, Annabeth and Jason are the scariest, but I think Annabeth's eyes are colder and scarier than Jason's. And Percy's just plain scarier than Annabeth, even though she glares more often than both.

Percy- Gee thanks. I've always wanted to be 'just plain scary' and 'freakin' terrifying'...

Leo- Glad to make your dreams come true bro!

Notice how Jason was the only one who said self-obsessed.....

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