Vote for Leo as president!!!

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Who's most likely to become the president?

Piper- Probably Jason, he's a great leader and has experience.

Jason- Pipes could do it. She's great at convincing people, especially with her charmspeak, and I'm sure she'd always do the right thing.

Leo- Me, obviously.

Percy- NO!

Annabeth- NO!

Frank- NO!

Hazel- NO!

Leo- What? Why not?

Annabeth- Your crazy inventions that usually get people killed!

Frank- Your incredibly irritating ability to annoy everyone!

Percy- Your insane schemes and--

Leo- Okay I got it. Jeez, you guys are harsh...

Hazel- I would have to go with Annabeth, she's smart, clever, witty, bright--

Leo- You know those are all synonyms right?

Hazel- Whatever, she'd be a perfect president. Well, all of you would be perfect presidents. Except for Leo, of course.

Leo- *rolling eyes* Of course.

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