Chapter #15

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And suddenly, I was on a plane back home. The previous day was all but a big blur. My head rested on the seat and I forced myself to close my eyes. Immediately I was back in yesterday.

"Oh..oh Re..Reyna", she sobbed over the phone.

"What's up Pancy ? Got low marks in calculus again ? Oh ! Stop being such a pancy", I smirked as I munched on an apple. It was five in the evening and I skipped classes to study. It was the cute kiddish voice of my first cousin Nancy and I called her Pancy since it rhymed.

"No. It's not...that", she said sniffing.

"Oh do get on with it ! What is it ?", I said a little impatient now.

I heard her taking a deep breath,"Reyna, your mom. She has been in a terrible accident. She was on the way back from the supermarket when a car rammed into her. She's critical. Come as soon as you can."

I turned dead white. The next thing I knew was I was hurrying to the airport with a small bag with the requirements. As I reached the counter I plonked my four month's savings on the desk asking for the next ticket home. She had to live..... I'm sure Nancy was exaggerating about her being critical. How could she be ? Nah. Too unreal.

"Be safe kid. Look both sides before crossing the road. That car might just jump out at you !", she had told me once when I was a busy candy sucking kid. Why couldn't you look before crossing mom ?!? I wanted to scream. I had not planned on going home because of an occasion like this. Sighing, I drifted off to a dreamless sleep.....

"Room 305 ma'am. You will have to take the stairs", the receptionist faked a practiced smile at me as lipstick dripped from her lips. I rolled my eyes and bounded up the stairs hoping I was not too late. Nobody had given me any details over the phone maybe because things were too serious or there was nothing to worry about. I suspected the former.

I passed the room in my hurry and had to run back an entire corridor for room number 305 but when I peered inside, my insides knotted sickeningly. She lay there motionless... Tubes running through her nose and from practically everywhere. I staggered back. Why weren't the goddamn doctors attending to her ?! And where was everyone else ? Did they make me run across the globe as some kind of a sick joke ?!

Exhaustion and fatigue were screaming through me and I did the most obvious thing then ... I broke down crying. And I think I cried till those strong arms scooped me up and put me against him and I cried even when that voice told me again and again that it was fine and all under control.

I woke up to the doctor's voice. I think it was the doctor saying ,"She has a slight concussion and needed a couple stitches. She'll live!" That's when I looked up as relif washed through me. That's when his face looked down and smiled at me.

He let you sleep in his arms for the night and not moved a single time ? O.k.A.Y. Process that..

"Hi Kurt", was all I could manage then....

Omgieee it's forever since I updated. Waiting for that spark of inspiration i guess ... Hell, don't ask me what inspired me to write this sooo ....
Ya'll keep reading ya ? And voting too ❤️

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