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Everything was fine. A girl got put in jail for no reason at all. She was blamed for someone's else's doing. She wasn't allowed to talk to anyone, only because she had nobody to look up to. Her family got murdered by wolves. They weren't just small pack wolves, no, they were something else. They were werewolves. Somebody called the police on her for no frigging reason. So she is now in jail. She is a sassy mouth and doesn't like to play by the rules. She talks to nobody nicely and she has no friends in jail. Kayla Rocksand is a mysterious young 21 year old girl. So welcome to Kayla Rocksand life.


I am only 21 years old. I'm a sassy mouth and hate playing by the rules. I'm in jail for something I "apparently" had done, but it wasn't me. Now that I'm in jail, I have a mouth on me. I never use to be this way, I had always been sweet and innocent until my life was ripped away. First, my family dying by giant wolves. Second, me being blamed for something that I didn't do. Third, well there is no third, just kidding. Third is my friend stabbing me in the frigging back. I now hate him. Yes I have a boy as a friend. HEY, there's nothing wrong with that. I like to hang out with boys rather than girls. One reason is that I'm not girly, I'm a tomboy. Just because I'm in jail and not in the country doesn't mean I'm not a tomboy. I still have that country sass so just shut it.

I also have black hair and storm grey eyes. Everybody tells me that my eyes remind them of a storm but I ignore them. Right now I'm sitting in the back of the cell where it's pitch black so nobody could see me. I'm in my own cell because I start fights with my sassy mouth. I never know what's going on outside this cell besides hearing the police conversations.

Well, now you know a little bit about me. Are you ready for my "fabulous" story? Well I hope you are, so sit back and listen to me to tell you my story.

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