Chapter 9

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She looked at me with a surprised look.

"Come on in", she said after getting over the shock.

I nodded my head and walked into the mansion. When I walked in with the others behind me, I seen a lot of people walking around and talking. When they saw me come in they gasp. I was suddenly pulled into a hug.

"You're alive", my mom said as she pulled away with tears in her eyes.

"You can't get rid of me that easily", I smirked. My mom smiled.

"You're still the same old Kayla that I know", she replied.

"Well yeah. I will never change", I said. Everybody chuckled.

"So, how is everybody?", I asked to get rid of all this awkwardness.

"How did you mean, how did you get out of the jail cell?", my mom asked.

"The police officer gave me a key while he shot a zombie.......", I trailed off.

"Well at least he was nice enough to hand you a key, right?", she chuckled softly.

"Ya, now where is my sister and brother?", I said loud enough so they could hear me. Everybody chuckled at that while I just smiled. Pounding of 2 pairs of feet came running to where I was. A girl and a boy came into view.

"We are right here, sis", they said with a accent that my whole family had.

"Well don't just stand there. Give me a hug", I chuckled at them. They ran towards me with full speed. Good thing I had great reflexes or I would've fell down on my butt. I hugged them back. Everybody laughed at our silliness.

"What's up with everybody laughing?", I asked while pulling out of the hug.

"Give it 1....2.....3", after somebody said that, pounding feet was heard. I seen him before I smelt his scent.

'Mate', my fox, Scarlett said.

I gasped and started to run out the door and into the woods. I jumped and shifted into my fox as I ran through the woods. I soon heard pounding paws behind me. That only made me run faster. My fox was suddenly pinned down by a big wolf that radiates power. I knew then and there that this wolf was a alpha and my mate.

I wiggled under my mate, trying to get out from under him. He growled and lowered himself on me so that I couldn't get out. He then shifted as I looked the other way.

"Look at me", he growled. I just stared to the side. I suddenly felt large hands grab ahold of my snout. He pulled my face so that I'm looking at him.

"Shift", he commanded. I didn't because I don't listen to orders.

"I said shift", he demanded again. Again I just stayed there. He then got off me and went behind a tree. He came out with shorts on.

"I.said.shift.", he growled angrily. I shifted and started to yell at him.

"You're not my alpha. I don't follow orders. If you want a submission mate then go to another girl. I didn't even want a mate nor did I want to be in a situation like this", I growled.

"I am your alpha and I am your mate. You have to listen to me. I don't want no other girl besides you. You are my mate and you're gonna deal with it", he growled back.

"No, I could always reject your sorry butt", I scoffed. He didn't like this one bit. He growled and pinned me to a tree.

"You're my mate and you better accept it", he growled softly before slamming his lips on me. All I could think is......

'How did my life get so messed up?'

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