Chapter 1

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I always listen into conversations between the police. I heard that somebody shot themselves. Nobody knew why but it happened. Somebody committed suicide. I do eat and I'm not like those other chicks that are picky about the food. Yes, it's not the best but hey it's better than nothing, right? Well there is 2 police guards who act strange. All I hear them do is growl and snarl during their conversations. It sounds like......wolves. Though it could always be my imagination. I don't sleep. I just sit in the back of the jail cell like right now. Awesome, right? Well I'm sitting here in my jail cell when I suddenly heard shouts, gunshots, and........animalistic growls? WHAT THE HELL!!! I stand up and go to see what's going on. I stopped 7 feet from the jail cell door. I looked out and seen one of the officers with a gun and he started to shout.

"The world is going crazy dead!!!!!", he kept shouting. I just looked at him like he was crazy. I looked at the guy that was making grunting and growling noises at the gun that the police officer is pointing at him. I was gonna question the officer but then I looked at the guy again and seen his eyes are like a grossed out puke green. He also had blood on his face and on his arm I saw a distance bite. A human bite maybe? Or an animal bite? No no, it's definitely human. Then I notice something that I didn't notice before. The guy was 2 feet away from the officer and the officer shot him in the head. The guy fell down to the ground with blood running like a waterfall down the side of his head.

"Why did you shoot him?!", I asked, yelling.

"He was gonna friggin' bite me, he is a ZOMBIE!!!!!", he yelled at me. Okay talking to me loudly is one thing but yelling at me is another. I'm gonna kill that son of a gun when I get out of here. Wait did he say.....ZOMBIE??!!!! What the hell?!

"Here, take this and get outta here", the officer said. I think his name is Nathaniel or something like that. He threw in a key so I could get out? What type of police force does that? I didn't waste anytime and unlocking the jail cell and getting out.

"Let us out! Let us out! Let us out, NOW!" the other girls kept yelling. I thought about it for a minute then thought, eh why not. I unlock their jail cells and we cautiously walked. We seen people yelling and screaming. There was also blood almost everywhere. I cringed away from the blood.

I knew my way around the police station so I knew where the weapon room was. I started the way that the weapons were because I may be a good fighter but I need a weapon just in case. The other girls were following me so I decided to tell them where we are heading.

"We are going to the weapon room to get weapons for survival", I told them, quietly.

"Weapons for us to survive?", one girl asked being stupid.

"No, so we can get killed", I said sarcastically. The other girls just nodded and smiled. At least they know what sarcasm is.

I lead them to the weapon room and we grabbed a bag and started to fill it with ammo, guns, knives, and daggers. Once we grabbed every weapon we could, we left. We all had a gun in our boots and had knives in the band of our pants and we also had a dagger in the band of our pants. We had a gun in our hands and the bag with the other stuff in it, in my other hand. I was on high alert. I always thought that zombies were only in movies, but apparently not.

"Are we gonna survive?", asked the girl from earlier. Oh my god, how friggin' stupid could she be?

"No, we are all gonna die, of friggin' course we are gonna survive", I said with sarcasm dripping in my voice while shaking my head. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous", she replied. "By the way, my name is Zarea".

"So what, now we are on first name basis", I replied. I'd say I'm sorry for my sarcasm, but really I'm not. If you don't like my sarcasm then don't talk to me or be stupid.

"Well anyways, my name is Kayla", I replied rolling my eyes.

"I'm Rocky, this is Julia, Christal, Sandra, and Gloria", one of the other girl said. I nodded and continued my way. We, I mean me, I found the way out. Once outside, I seen blood and trash and car crashes everywhere. I heard a gasp from behind me. It was Sandra. I started to walk down the stairs until someone grabbed my arm. I went to go punch the person until I turned around and seen that it was Zarea who grabbed my arm.

"What!", I whispered, shouted.

"Shouldn't we be careful because what if we get killed or attacked or something?", Julia speaked up.

"We are not gonna get killed or attacked, so calm down. We have guns so stop whining and just get your gun out and ready to shoot if needed", I replied rolling my eyes.

We started to walk once again. I looked both ways and continued to walk. I was looking for a car that either has keys in it or that I can hot wire it. When I found a car, I ran up to it leaving the other girls following behind, watching for any danger. I looked through the window of the black buik to see if there was keys in it. I seen some keys dangling from the ignition. I grinned and walk around to the driver side of the car and when I got to the driver side, I looked over at the girls.

"Well get in and lets go or you can always stay here and....well you could just stay and die", I said uncaring. The girls ran towards the car and quickly hopped in while I laughed at them. I got in too. I heard a groaning noise so me being curious, I looked out the mirror and seen people. No no not people, zombies. I turned the key, starting the car and quickly sped out of there. That's when our journey of surviving began.

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