Chapter 16

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"mnfjfj", was heard from everywhere.

*Bang* *Slash*

Chuckles ranged through the air.

Kayla has changed. She's been alone for 2 years. Traveling and killing along the way. Not once has she seen another werewolf. She stayed in one area and one area only. That area was........

"Mfhdh", a zombie came from the left. Kayla slashed the zombies head off.

"Fight to the finish", Kayla whispered to herself. She is now a sassy, badass, killing machine. Everybody knows to not go near her.

She heard a noise behind her. She took her sword that was in her hand and swung behind her as she spun around.

"Watch it!", somebody yelled as they ducked. It was a male that was about 20 years old. Kayla was 22 years old now.

"Stay out of my way then", Kayla threatened as she glared at him.

"Watch where you swing that thing!", he exclaimed.

"Not my fault your behind me!", Kayla defended.

"I would like to live", he said.

"I'm not so sure you wanna live if your in the way of my sword", she chuckled.

"Whatever", he huffed.

"Where are you heading?", he asked.

"No where. I'm just going around killing zombies. Your in my territory", she glared.

"Your a werewolf?", He asked.

"No. Are you?", she ask curiously.

"Yes. What are you?", he asked cautiously.

"Fox spirit", she replied smirking.

"There is no such thing as 'Fox Spirits", he shook his head.

"Do you want proof?", she asked. He nodded so she shifted. He gaped at her fox form.

"H-How?", he asked. She shifted back and started to explain about how she survived.

"Fox Spirits, as you should know, supposedly died in battle when vampires and werewolves teamed up to kill us. Most of the fox spirits survived the battle because they either ran or they hid. My parents hid. They live with werewolves now. That's how I'm alive except I've been in jail for a while for being blamed for something I didn't do", Kayla explained.

"Oh. wow. That's uh......", he said as he couldn't find words.

"Yeah. Now I got to go. So do you. Your in my territory", she went back to glaring at him.

"Can I stay here with you? I have no pack. I'm a rogue. My pack got killed", he asked.

"Fine. But stay out of my way. You go check the other borders to make sure there aren't any zombies or threats", she ordered. He nodded. He went to go run off but remembered something.

"My name is Derek. What's your name?", he asked.

"Kayla", was the single word that she said. With that he ran off towards the East border.

"mkfjjg", a zombie came stumbling up to Kayla. She swung her sword hitting the target dead on.

"Stupid world", she muttered to herself. She heard a twig break. She turned towards where she heard it.

A giant wolf came walking out, growling.

"What's your problem?", Kayla scoffed. The wolf shifted into a.....women.

"Put clothes on would you", Kayla screeched as she quickly covered her eyes.


Kayla's POV

I heard the women chuckle.

"You can uncover your eyes now", she said. I slowly uncovered my eyes.

"Who are you?", I asked.

"Your mate's mom", she smiled.

"I don't have a mate", I replied angrily as memories came back.

"You may not want him as a mate but you need him just like he needs you", she frowned.

"I.Don't.Need.Him", I said trying to hold in all my anger.

"You do need him and he needs you! You may not want him because he is a asshole but you need to give him a second chance", she angrily replied.

"I don't know why you would waste your time to come here to convince me but you need to get off my territory", I finally said.

"Your mate needs you! Don't you understand that?!", she threw her hands up.

"He doesn't need me. If he needed me then he wouldn't of abused me", I replied emotionless.

"Please give him one more chance. He is thinking about turning rogue just to find you", she pleaded.

"I'm sorry but I can't", I shook my head.

"I'm begging you. He needs you. I'm not asking you to love him. I'm only asking if you will give him a second chance", she begged like her life depended on it.

"Fine. But this is his last chance. Let me go get my friend", I replied as I shifted and ran off towards the South border since I already knew that he had ran the East border already. I heard pounding paws behind me. I turned my head and seen the women. I turn my head forward and rolled my eyes. I slid to a stop when we reached Derek. I shifted to human form as he did behind a tree.

"We are going to a pack", I told him.

"Why?", he asked.

"My mate needs me", I said rolling my eyes.

"His mother is here to take us there", I finished.

"Okay", he nodded.

With that we were off back to my mate's pack.

'I wish my life was like it was before', was my last thought.

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