Chapter 2

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"Where are we?", groaned a now awake Rocky. So let me give you an update from when we left the town. I was the only one driving because I don't sleep. Everybody else fell asleep to the country music that was playing on the radio. We already went through Texas, California and Ohio. We are trying to find a place in Michigan now, well I am anyways.

"We are in Michigan", I replied. We did pass by zombies everywhere but I seen nothing in Michigan. It was a cleaned up state like somebody got rid of the junk and everything. I pulled into a store parking lot. We need food and drinks.

"Come on, let's go get food and drinks", I said whiling getting out of the brown car. It was a Cadillac. Anyways we got out of the car and started to head into the store. I sniffed the air because I'm a supernatural. It comes in handy sometimes like right now. I sniffed around just in case of zombies. I had one hand on my gun and my other hand on my knife.

"Clear", said Julia.

"Clear", said Rocky.

"Clear here too", said Gloria.

"Same here", said Christal.

"Clear", said Sandra.

"Everywhere is clear, now", I said. Then I added, "It's strange that there is no zombies around here and that the place seems like it was cleaned up".

"Yeah, maybe somebody owns this state or something", Christal said. I nodded my head in agreement as the other girls did too.

"Well at least we are safe, I think", I replied.

"Okay, Sandra, Christal, and Gloria, you guys go get drinks while me, Rocky, and Julia go get food", I commanded. We headed off to go get what we need. Me, Rocky, and Julia started to grab a basket to put food in. We filled the baskets to the top. After the other girls got drinks, we went back to the car. We put everything in the trunk, then we got in and started to look for a place to stay.

There were lots of woods but we will make it. Suddenly, a big silver wolf jumped in front of the car. I slammed on the breaks. The car stops 10 feet away from the wolf. I honked the horn hoping it will leave but it doesn't. I get out of the car and point my gun at the giant wolf.

"Either move off the road or I'll shoot you", I threatened. All he did was growl and stand up taller. It started walking towards me slowly like it was stalking prey.

"Don't come any closer or I will shoot you head off", I warned, but he just kept walking towards me. I shoot the gun but the wolf was faster and moved out of the bullets way. I shoot it again but, again it moves. Damn that wolf speed. I glare at the wolf. I go to aim my gun again but I'm aim off track as another wolf slams into my side. I looked up at the wolf as it growled in my face.

"Get off", I gritted my teeth. The other girls came out of the car and went to go walk to me but the wolf, on top of me, growled warning them to stay away. I go to hit the wolf but it pins down my arms and legs. I glared even harder at the darn thing on top of me. Another wolf came and growled at the wolf on top of me. Great now there's three friggin' wolves. Do they think this is a parade or something. The wolf on top of me growled and jumped off of me. I stand up and remove the dirt off my pants by brushing it off with my hands.

"You beast of nature", I growled. I then looked at the other two wolves. They were bigger than the one that was on top of me. They were both silver wolves while the one that was on top of me was gold. I'd never seen a wolf that color before. The silver wolves looked like alphas and the gold wolf looked like a warrior. I'm guessing the alphas were father and son.

"Damn wolves", I growled angrily as I stomped back to the car. Again I was stopped by the younger silver wolf.

"What the hell do you want?", I demanded. The wolf nodded as if saying to follow him. No way in hell would I follow him.

"Ya, I would so follow you just so I can get eaten by your wolfy friends"I said with sarcasm dripping into my voice. The wolf glared at me and started to nip at the back of my heels.

"Ugh, fine fine but I'm not leaving this car", I huffed in annoyance. The wolf smiled a wolfy smile. I just glared as I opened the driver door, ready to get in. That damn wolf jumped into the driver's seat of the car.

"I'm driving, your not", I told the wolf. The wolf just shrugged and sat there.

"You better move or I will stab you", I threatened. He just rolled his eyes and moved to the passenger seat.

"Sandra, Gloria, and Julia, you three will walk back with those two wolves. Rocky and Christal, get in the damn car", I said as they did as they were told. The wolf sitting by me just looked at me with pride in his eyes. What the hell? I drove behind the two wolves that were walking. They soon turned onto a dirt road. It was a long dirt road but, I didn't complain. We soon came to a house. No no it was definitely no house, it was a mansion. I gasped on how big it was. The wolf beside me just smirked his wolfy smirk.

"How in the hell did these wolves know anything?", I question. My curiosity getting the better of me. I got out of the car as the three wolves went into the woods. What happened next freaked me out.

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