Chapter 13

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I woke up with arms wrapped around me. My head was on a chest. I looked up and seen my "mate". I sighed as I tried to get out of the bed. His arms just tightened. I froze as he started to talk.

"Where do you think your going?", he asked as he yawned.

"I was going to the bathroom", I replied hastily. He let go of me.

"Fine but get back in the bed after your done", he replied sternly as he rolled on his stomach and fell back to sleep. I went to the bathroom and then I got dressed into his clothes, once again. After I was done, I went downstairs and started to make breakfast for everybody. I heard a loud growl and footsteps pounding.

"I thought I fucken told you to stay in the god damn bed", he growled.

"Sorry. Wait I'm not sorry because I was just making goddamn food for everybody", I glared.

"I would watch my mouth if I was you", he warned.

"Yeah, whatever" I chuckled. I guess his speech means nothing.

"The pack should be up soon", he replied, changing the subject.

"Okay", was my only reply.

After I was done with the food, I got everything set up in the dining room just in time for the pack to start running to the dining room. I chuckled as I went back to the kitchen. I started to clean up after the pack ate.

"You know, ever since I've been here, I never knew your name", I chuckled humorously.

"Your right. My name is Blitz", he smiled.

"Ah. Nice. I'm gonna go for a hunt", I replied as I started to walk to the door before Blitz blocked it.

"What exactly are you hunting for?", he asked.

"Zombies", I shrugged.

"I'm coming with you", he sternly said.

"Ya ya, whatever", I waved at him. He glared.

"So let's go. I have weapons in the truck", I said as I made a motion to make him move.

"Your crazy", he sighed as he shook his head.

"I'll take that as a compliment", I nodded. Blitz open the door and we walked out. I went to get in the driver seat but somebody stopped me.

"I'm driving", Blitz said quickly.

"Um", I pretended to think.

"No", I replied as I got into the drivers seat.

"Get in the passenger seat. I'm driving", he replied as calmly as he could.

"No can do, Blitz", I replied. He shivered as his name rolled off my tongue.

"Fine", he reluctantly agreed. I nodded as started the truck. He got in and we went hunting. We didn't only hunt for zombies, but we hunted for deer, and Turkey, and rabbits.

"Why can't I drive? Your driving is bad", he whined.

"It's not that bad", I gasped 'faking' hurt.

"It is bad", he grinned.

"Fine", I pouted as I threw the last rabbit that we hunted in the back of the truck. I handed him the keys and I got in the passenger side.

"Thank you", he smiled.

"Ya ya", I pouted as I looked out the window.

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